ajwild / jwebt

Web Crypto API wrapper for working with JSON Web Tokens in browsers and workers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web Crypto API wrapper for working with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in browsers and workers.



npm install jwebt


yarn add jwebt


Create a JSON Web Token.

Options (required)

Options should be passed as an object with the following properties:

payload: Object (required)

All values within the payload are optional. For more information on properties to use see the latest JSON Web Token (JWT) Proposed Standard.

privateKey: String (privateKey or secret required)

Typically the contents of a .pem file. The header, footer and line breaks will be handled by the library. If privateKey and secret are provided, privateKey will be used.

secret: String (privateKey or secret required)

A secret key. If privateKey and secret are provided, privateKey will be used.

keyId: String (optional)

An optional string used as a hint to indicate which key was used to secure the token.

format: String (default = 'pkcs8')

A string describing the data format of the key to import. Only 'pkcs8' is supported at the moment.

algorithm: String (default = 'RS256')

Only 'RS256' is supported at the moment.

extractable: Boolean (default = false)

A boolean indicating whether it will be possible to export the key. In general this is not required for JWT signing and verifying.

keyUsages: String[] (default = ['sign'])

An array indicating what can be done with the key. The string 'sign' is required within the array.

subtleCrypto: SubtleCrypto (default = window?.crypto?.subtle)

Allows the SubtleCrypto interface to be passed through in case window is not available. Useful when working with platforms such as Cloudflare Workers, where crypto.subtle can be used.

Return Value

Returns a Promise which resolves to a JSON Web Token string:



import { sign } from 'jwebt';

const currentTimeInSeconds = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
// All values in payload are optional
// The token verifier should specify requirements
const payload = {
  // Common properties
  iss: 'me@example.com',
  sub: 'me@example.com',
  aud: 'https://api.example.com/', // ['orArrayOfStrings'],
  exp: currentTimeInSeconds + (60 * 60), // now + 1 hour
  nbf: currentTimeInSeconds,
  iat: currentTimeInSeconds,
  jti: 'uniqueTokenId',
  // Anything else
  anotherValue: 'anythingGoes',
// Use privateKey or secret
const privateKey = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nexample\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n';
const secret = 'secretKey';
const keyId = 'optionalUniqueKeyIdentifier';

const jwt = await sign({
  // default values below
  format: 'pkcs8',
  algorithm: 'RS256',
  extractable: false,
  keyUsages: ['sign'],
  subtleCrypto: window.crypto.subtle,

console.log(jwt); // 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjk0NjY4ODQwMH0.c2VjcmV0'


Not yet implemented.


Decode a JSON Web Token.

Options (optional)

Options should be passed as an object with the following property:

complete: Boolean (default = false)

The default behaviour is to return the decoded payload object. When complete is true it will return an object containing header, payload and signature properties.


import { decode } from 'jwebt';

const jwt = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjk0NjY4ODQwMH0.c2VjcmV0';

const decodedJwt = decode(jwt, { complete: false });
console.log(decodedJwt); // { 'exp': 946688400 }

const completeJwt = decode(jwt, { complete: true });
  header: {
    typ: 'JWT',
    alg: 'RS256',
  payload: {
    exp: 946688400,
  signature: 'c2VjcmV0'

Is Expired

Options (optional)

Options should be passed as an object with the following property:

expiredWithinSeconds: Number (default = 0)

Allows adjustments to the expiry time check to help identify tokens which are about to expire.


import { isExpired } from 'jwebt';

const jwt = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjk0NjY4ODQwMH0.c2VjcmV0';

const jwtExpired = isExpired(jwt, { expiredWithinSeconds: 5 });
console.log(jwtExpired); // true


npm test


This project is MIT licensed.


Web Crypto API wrapper for working with JSON Web Tokens in browsers and workers

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 91.8%Language:JavaScript 8.2%