ajuni880 / node-express-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


RESTful API - Manage clients data This project was an assessment. Assessment details

Getting Started

Clone this repo to test or play with the project.


nodejs v >= 7.6


Steps for running up the code

Install all the dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm start

The server will run on http://localhost:4000

Running the tests

Run automated tests

npm test


For testing you can use Postman or any other client.

Test login. Send body with email property

POST /users/login

All the below endpoint are private. Be careful of being logged in.

Test Get user data filtered by user id -> Can be accessed by users with role "users" and "admin".

GET /api/users/:id

Test Get user data filtered by user name -> Can be accessed by users with role "users" and "admin". You must send name query param.

GET /api/users/?name=name

Test Get the list of policies linked to a user name -> Can be accessed by users with role "admin"".

GET /api/users/:name/policies

Get the user linked to a policy number -> Can be accessed by users with role "admin".

GET /api/users/policies/:id

For further details you can check the tests files.

Built With

  • Express - Web Framework for workign with routing and template engines.
  • npm - Node Package Manger - For dependencies
  • JWT - Used for authentication
  • axios - Library for handling HTTP requests
  • dotenv - Used for load environment variables in process.env



Language:JavaScript 100.0%