ajkerrigan / cookiecutter-c7n-left


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cookiecutter to scaffold a c7n-left policy structure

This cookiecutter generates the shell of a c7n-left policy.


Install Cookiecutter and run:

cookiecutter -fso <policy root directory> gh:ajkerrigan/cookiecutter-c7n-left

Note: Why -fso?

  • -f / --overwrite-if-exists: lets us add to existing directories
  • -s / --skip-if-file-exists: ...but doesn't let us overwrite files
  • -o / --output-dir: tells the cookiecutter where to place policy-related files

More Information

This cookiecutter prompts for a few key fields:

  • Provider
  • Service
  • Resource type
  • Policy short name
  • Policy full name

For a policy enforcing HTTPS in a CloudFront distribution, the responses might look like this:

  • Provider: aws
  • Service: cloudfront
  • Resource type: cloudfront (defaults to )
  • Policy short name: enforce-https
  • Policy full name: aws-cloudfront-enforce-https (defaults to --)

Which would generate a file tree like the following under <policy_root_directory>:

/<policy root directory>/
├── aws
│   ├── cloudfront.yaml
│   └── tests
│       ├── aws-cloudfront-enforce-https
│       │   ├── left.plan.yaml
│       │   ├── match1.tf
│       │   └── nonmatch1.tf

Next Steps

This produces only the skeleton of a policy. From there the next steps are:

  • Define Terraform snippets for matching and non-matching resources
    • Inside .tf files under <provider>/tests/<policy>
  • Define policies in <provider>/<service>.yaml
  • Define expected matches inside <provider>/tests/<policy>/left.plan.yaml
    • This cookiecutter seeds left.plan.yaml with an empty list.
    • With no expectations in left.plan.yaml, the output of c7n-left test <provider> should include all policy matches against your Terraform snippets. That output can be used to populate left.plan.yaml.

