ajcrowe / lnd-async

Lightning Network Daemon gRPC async client

Repository from Github https://github.comajcrowe/lnd-asyncRepository from Github https://github.comajcrowe/lnd-async


This library simplifies connecting to the Bitcoin Lightning Network Daemon via gRPC. It wraps all callback functions in promises to make api calls easier to work with.

This library supports LND version 0.5-beta.

The default behavior assumes LND is running on localhost port 10009. It also assumes that macaroons are enabled and the tls.cert and admin.macaroon are found in the OS specific default data paths.

To establish a connection to gRPC localhost:10009 with macaroons:

const lnd = require('lnd-async');

async function getInfo() {
  let client = await lnd.connect();
  return await client.getInfo({});

This call can be customized to meet your specific needs:

const lnd = require('lnd-async');

async function getInfo() {
  let client = await lnd.connect({
    lndHost: '',
    lndPort: 10019,
    certPath: __dirname + '/tls.cert',
    macaroonPath: __dirname + '/admin.macaroon',
  return await client.getInfo({});

You can also specify cert and macaroon as base64 encoded string. Usefull if you do not want to keep them on the server.

const lnd = require('lnd-async');

async function getInfo() {
  let client = await lnd.connect({
    lndHost: '',
    lndPort: 10019,
    cert: 'base64 cert',
    macaroon: 'base64 macaroon',
  return await client.getInfo({});

You can also initiate calls with no macaroons by passing the noMacaroons flag. When this option is supplied, the macaroonPath is ignored.

const lnd = require('lnd-async');

async function getInfo() {
  let client = await lnd.connect({ noMacaroons: true });
  return await client.getInfo({});


  • 1.5.0 - Support for 0.5-beta
  • 1.4.0 - Support for base64 macaroon and cert files
  • 1.3.0 - Support for 0.4.2-beta
  • 1.2.0 - Support for 0.4.1-beta
  • 1.1.0 - Support for 0.4.0-beta


Lightning Network Daemon gRPC async client

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%