ajcrowe / docker-polkadot

Polkadot Docker Image

Repository from Github https://github.comajcrowe/docker-polkadotRepository from Github https://github.comajcrowe/docker-polkadot

Polkadot Docker

This builds the Parity Polkadot node.

All images are built with [Google Cloud Build] and are triggered automatically from any pushed tags.


You can view available images on the Docker Hub


This image support both passing args directly to the image or setting envrionment variables (see below).

docker run -e "POLKADOT_ENABLE_DEV=true" -e "POLKADOT_BASE_PATH=/data" ajcrowe/polkadot --no-telelmetry


To build the container you simply need to pass in the git reference you want to build

docker build -t user/polkadot:v0.6.3 --build-arg GIT_REF=v0.6.3 .

Environment Variables

You can pass a number environment variables to configure the node

Note: Prior to v0.3.0 environment variables were not prefixed with POLKADOT_ Note: These might be out of date please check run.sh for all available environment variables


Environment Variable Flag Description
POLKADOT_DEV --dev Run in development mode; implies --chain=dev --validator --key Alice
POLKADOT_LIGHT --light Run in light client mode
POLKADOT_FORCE-AUTHORING --force-authoring Enable authoring even when offline.
POLKADOT_NO-GRANDPA --no-grandpa Disable GRANDPA when running in validator mode
POLKADOT_NO_MDNS --no-mdns By default, the network will use mDNS to discover other nodes on the local network. This disables it
POLKADOT_NO_TELEMETRY --no-telelmetry Should not connect to the Polkadot telemetry server (telemetry is on by default on global chains)
POLKADOT_TELEMETRY -t --telemetry Listen to all RPC interfaces (default is local)
POLKADOT_VALIDATOR --validator Enablevalidator mode
POLKADOT_RPC_EXTERNAL --rcp-external Listen to all RPC interfaces (default is local)
POLKADOT_WS_EXTERNAL --ws-external Listen to all Websocket interfaces (default is local)


Environment Variable Flag Description
POLKADOT_BASE_PATH -d --base-path Specify custom base path
POLKADOT_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION_EXECUTION --block-construction-execution
POLKADOT_BOOTNODES --bootnodes Specify a list of bootnodes
POLKADOT_CHAIN --chain Specify the chain specification (one of krummelanke, dev, local or staging)
POLKADOT_DB_CACHE --db-cache Limit the memory the database cache can use
POLKADOT_EXECUTION --execution The means of execution used when calling into the runtime. Can be either wasm, native or both.
POLKADOT_IMPORTING_EXECUTION --importing-execution The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while importing blocks
POLKADOT_IN_PEERS --in-peers Specify the maximum number of incoming connections we're accepting
POLKADOT_IN_PEERS --in-peers Specify the maximum number of incoming connections we're accepting [default: 25]
POLKADOT_KEY --key Specify additional key seed
POLKADOT_KEYSTORE_PATH --keystore-path Specify custom keystore path
POLKADOT_LISTEN_ADDR --listen-addr Listen on this multiaddress
POLKADOT_LOG -l --log Sets a custom logging filter
POLKADOT_MAX_HEAP_PAGES --max-heap-pages The maximum number of 64KB pages to ever allocate for Wasm execution. Don't
POLKADOT_MIN_HEAP_PAGES --min-heap-pages The number of 64KB pages to allocate for Wasm execution initially.
POLKADOT_NAME --name The human-readable name for this node, as reported to the telemetry server, if enabled
POLKADOT_NODE_KEY_FILE --node-key-file The file from which to read the node's secret key to use for libp2p networking
POLKADOT_NODE_KEY_TYPE --node-key-type The type of secret key to use for libp2p networking
POLKADOT_NODE_KEY --node-key Specify node secret key (64-character hex string)
POLKADOT_OFFCHAIN_WORKER_EXECUTION --offchain-worker-execution Should execute offchain workers on every block
POLKADOT_OFFCHAIN_WORKER --offchain-worker The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while constructing blocks
POLKADOT_OTHER_EXECUTION --other-execution The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while not syncing, importing or constructing blocks.
POLKADOT_OUT_PEERS --out-peers Specify the number of outgoing connections we're trying to maintain
POLKADOT_POOL_KBYTES --pool-kbytes Maximum number of kilobytes of all transactions stored in the pool
POLKADOT_POOL_LIMIT --pool-limit Maximum number of transactions in the transaction pool
POLKADOT_PORT --port Specify p2p protocol TCP port
POLKADOT_PRUNING --pruning Specify the pruning mode, a number of blocks to keep or "archive". Default is 256.
POLKADOT_RESERVED_NODES --reserved-nodes Specify a list of reserved node addresses
POLKADOT_RPC_PORT --rpc-port Specify HTTP RPC server TCP port
POLKADOT_SYNCING_EXECUTION --syncing-execution The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while syncing blocks
POLKADOT_TELEMETRY_URL --telemetry-url The URL of the telemetry server. Implies --telemetry
POLKADOT_WS_PORT --ws-port Specify WebSockets RPC server TCP port


Polkadot Docker Image


Language:Shell 66.9%Language:Dockerfile 33.1%