ajbogh / fusion-plugin-react-router

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The fusion-plugin-react-router package provides a universal router plugin for React. The plugin automatically configures a router provider to account for route prefix, routing events, hydration in bundle splitting scenarios, etc.

The package also offers components to control HTTP status server-side.

Table of contents


yarn add fusion-plugin-react-router


// src/components/root.js
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

const Home = () => <div>Hello</div>;
const Test = () => <div>Test</div>;
const PageNotFound = () => (

const root = (
        <Link to="/">Home</Link>
        <Link to="/test">Test</Link>
        <Link to="/404">404</Link>
      <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
      <Route exact path="/test" component={Test} />
      <Route component={PageNotFound} />
export default root;


// src/main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import Router from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';
import UniversalEvents, {
} from 'fusion-plugin-universal-events';
import root from './components/root';

export default function start(App) {
  const app = new App(root);
  app.register(UniversalEventsToken, UniversalEvents);
  return app;


Registration API

import Router from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

The plugin.

import {RouterToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

A token for registering the router plugin on. You only need to register the plugin on this token if another plugin depends on receiving the history object.

import {RouterProviderToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

An optional dependency of this plugin, used to replace the routing provider. Defaults to import {Router} from react-router-dom. This is necessary for integrating with connected-react-router.

import {UniversalEventsToken} from 'fusion-plugin-universal-events';

The universal events plugin. Optional.

Provide the UniversalEventsToken when you would like to emit routing events for data collection.

Routing Events and Timing Metrics

Router will emit the following events/metrics via the universal events plugin if provided:

Server-side routing metrics via events
  • 'pageview:server'
    • page: string - (1)The path of an exact match, or (2)ctx.path.
    • title: string - (1)props.trackingId provided by <Route>, or (2)the path of an exact match, or (3)ctx.path.
    • status: number - HTTP status of the response
    • timing: number - Milliseconds. The time since the request received till routed by this plugin.
  • 'render:server'
    • page: string - (1)The path of an exact match, or (2)ctx.path.
    • title: string - (1)props.trackingId provided by <Route>, or (2)the path of an exact match, or (3)ctx.path.
    • status: number - HTTP status of the response
    • timing: number - Milliseconds. The execution time of renderer.
Browser routing events
  • 'pageview:browser'
    • page: string - (1)The path of an exact match, or (2)ctx.path.
    • title: string - (1)props.trackingId provided by <Route>, or (2)the path of an exact match, or (3)ctx.path.

Accessing History

This plugin provides an API to access the history object.

import {createPlugin} from 'fusion-core';
import RouterPlugin, {RouterToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

app.register(RouterToken, RouterPlugin);
  deps: {
    router: RouterToken,
  middleware: ({router}) => (ctx, next) => {
    const {history} = router.from(ctx);
    // ...
    return next();


Configures a router and acts as a React context provider for routing concerns. The plugin already provides <Router> in the middleware for your application.

import {Router} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  • location: string - Required. The current pathname. Should be ctx.url in a Fusion plugin, or req.url in the server or location.pathname in the client
  • basename: string - Optional. Defaults to ''. A route prefix.
  • context: {setCode: (string) => void} - Optional.
    • setCode: (string) => void - Called when <Status /> is mounted. Provides an HTTP status code.
  • onRoute: ({page: string, title: string}) => void - Optional. Called when a route change happens. Provides a pathname and a title.
  • child: React.Element - Required.


Defines what gets rendered for a given route. Multiple routes can be rendered at the same time if they exist outside a Switch component.

import {Router, Route} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  <Route exact component={component} path={...} trackingId={...}>{children}</Route>

See the react-router documentation for <Route>

  • trackingId: string - Optional. To set an analytical name for the route, and make it the first candidate to determine payload.title when emitting routing events.


Similar to <a>, creates a link that routes using history.pushState rather than a page change.

import {Router, Link} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  <Link to="{...}">{children}</Link>

See the react-router documentation for <Link>.


Renders the first child Route that matches the path.

import {Router, Switch} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  • children: React.Children<Route> - React children must be Route components.

See the react-router documentation for <Switch>.


Signals to the Router context that an HTTP status change is required.

import {Router, Route, Status} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  <Route component={() => <Status code={...}>{child}</Status>} />
  • code: number - A HTTP Status code to be used if this component is mounted. The status code is sent to a context.setCode call in Router
  • child: React.Element - A React element


Equivalent to <Status code={404}></Status>

import {Router, Route, NotFound} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  <Route component={() => <NotFound>{child}</NotFound>} />
  • child: React.Element - A React element


Signals to the Router context to navigate to a new location.

import {Router, Route, Redirect} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

  <Route component={() => <Redirect to="/">{child}</Redirect>} />
  • to: string|object - Required. A URL or location to redirect to.
  • push: boolean - Optional. When true, redirecting will push a new entry onto the history instead of replacing the current one.
  • code: number - Optional. A HTTP Status code to be used if this component is mounted.


A <Router> that uses the HTML5 history API to keep your UI in sync with the URL.. This is a re-export of React Router's BrowserRouter (from react-router-dom)

import {BrowserRouter} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

See the react-router-dom documentation for <BrowserRouter>.


A <Router> that uses window.location.hash to keep your UI in sync with the URL. This is a re-export of React Router's HashRouter (from react-router-dom)

import {HashRouter} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

See the react-router-dom documentation for <HashRouter>.


A <Router> that keeps the history of your "URL" in memory (does not read or write to the address bar). This is a re-export of React Router's MemoryRouter

import {MemoryRouter} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

See the react-router-dom documentation for <MemoryRouter>.


Exposes match, location and history properties of the React Router history object as props. This is a re-export of React Router's withRouter.

import {withRouter} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

See the react-router documentation for withRouter().


Programmatic API to run React Router's route matching algorithm. This is a re-export of React Router's matchPath.

import {matchPath} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

See the react-router documentation for matchPath().


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 98.7%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%