ajaysimha / Telemetry

Telemetry and Monitoring solution for Telcos

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Deploy telemetry/monitoring server and client components and configure them with ansible

Deploying performance, fault and availability monitoring and metrics gathering with Collectd and Prometheus

Ansible playbooks to deploy collectd and prometheus based monitoring solution

Package versions

Package Version Ports
Prometheus 2.0.0 TCP 9090
Collectd exporter 0.3.1 TCP 25826, 9103
Grafana TCP 3000
Prometheus Alert Manager 0.12.0 TCP 6783


  • Firewalld is running telemetry servers
  • Collectd running on OpenStack and Ceph nodes are able to communicate outside to the Telemetry Servers
  • ssh public key (typically id_rsa.pub for user-id used for executing ansible playbooks) should be copied to ALL target machines - servers and clients. This can be accomplished using the ssh-copy-id command

How to run

To run playbooks first update the group_vars/all with environment specific parameters. The all file looks like this:

[ansible@se-nfv-srv12 ansible_deploy_telemetry{master}]$ cat /home/ansible/ansible_deploy_telemetry/group_vars/all
collectd_exporter_download_url: https://github.com/prometheus/collectd_exporter/releases/download/0.3.1/collectd_exporter-0.3.1.linux-386.tar.gz
collectd_exporter_port: 25826
collectd_exporter_http_port: 9103
prometheus_download_url: https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v2.0.0/prometheus-2.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
prometheus_web_port: 9090
alert_manager_download_url: https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/releases/download/v0.12.0/alertmanager-0.12.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
alert_manager_mesh_port: 6783
alert_manager_port: 9093
grafana_download_url: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/grafana-releases/release/grafana-4.6.3-1.x86_64.rpm
grafana_port: 3000

If you want to make changes to port numbers for individual components you would make it in the all file.

Next step is to update the /home/ansible/ansible_deploy_telemetry/telemetry_hosts entries. This files defines the target hosts where the telemetry components are installed.

  • osp-controllers: OpenStack controller and compute nodes where collectd and collectd plugins will be installed
  • ceph-nodes: Ceph Mon and OSD nodes where collectd and collectd plugins will be installed. This should ceph node pkgs
  • collectd_exporters: Receives binary or JSON formatted collectd data from each of the osp and ceph nodes and provides to the prometheus server over http
  • prometheus: Time-series database used to store all the collectd data. Rules can be written against data to create alerts
  • alert_managers: Receives alerts from prometheus. Responsible for deduplication and filtering
  • grafana: Used for visualization of data from prometheus
    They look like this:

Note: Two servers and are listed under server side components - collectd_exporters, prometheus, alert_managers, grafana. This assumes full HA deployment. If you are trying this with only one servers (in the lab) you should have only one entry under each server component.

Then run the playbooks in the playbooks folder to deploy individual components or all at the same time. Each components can be deployed on their own. There are playbooks to deploy as well as remove as this will help in testing. All ansible-playbook commands should be run from the ansbile-install-telmetry directory.

Following shows deploying just grafana

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_grafana.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_collectd_exporter.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_prometheus.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_alert_manager.yaml

To install all server components and configure them (Grafana excluded)

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_server_all.yaml

To configure collectd client, Download packages from Red Hat Repo: https://access.redhat.com/downloads/content/package-browser and place them into directory:

[ansible@se-nfv-srv12 packages{master}]$ pwd
[ansible@se-nfv-srv12 packages{master}]$ ls
collectd-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm  collectd-ceph-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm  collectd-disk-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm

The packages in this directory need to correspond to the entries in the main.yaml file of the var directory of osp-nodes and ceph-nodes directories:

[ansible@se-nfv-srv12 vars{master}]$ cat /home/ansible/ansible_deploy_telemetry/roles/client/osp-nodes/vars/main.yaml
  - collectd
  - disk

 src: /home/ansible/ansible_deploy_collectd_prometheus/roles/client/packages
 dst: /tmp

  - collectd-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm
  - collectd-disk-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm

[ansible@se-nfv-srv12 vars{master}]$ cat /home/ansible/ansible_deploy_telemetry/roles/client/ceph-nodes/vars/main.yaml
  - collectd
  - disk

 src: /home/ansible/ansible_deploy_collectd_prometheus/roles/client/packages
 dst: /tmp

  - collectd-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm
  - collectd-disk-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm

  - collectd-ceph-5.8.0-5.el7ost.x86_64.rpm

Once the packages are downloaded and entries in the main.yaml under vars is updated the following commands can be run to install collectd packages on osp nodes and ceph nodes respectively

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_osp_nodes.yaml
ansible-playbook playbook/install_ceph_nodes.yaml

Note: There is no uninstall for client side. You will have to uninstall manaully using yum remove collectd (and other installed packages.

To Do

  • Remove keepalived if it confirmed that it is not in use in the solution
  • Include exec plugin and it's configuration
  • Include updated collect.conf for performance optimization
  • Include exec plugin description
  • Add OSP exporter
  • Add SNMP webhook


Telemetry and Monitoring solution for Telcos