ajaykarwal / personal-goals

An account of some long term goals for the year. Made public for transparency and accountability

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Personal goals

This is my public facing personal goals and tasks repository, inspired by @una. The idea is to be transparent about certain goals to encourage me to complete them and be accountable if I don't.

Most of these are long term goals for the year which have no timescale or priority. They're just things which I would like to achieve at some point.

Goals for 2017

  • Speak at a conference πŸ’¬
  • Start a podcast / get involved with an existing one 🎀
        - I'm happy to announce that I've started a podcast! Inspect
  • Learn a new programming language πŸ’»
    - I've been spending a lot of time this year learning React.
  • Run 5K without dying πŸƒ
  • Grow the Makr Slack team and organise a meetup event πŸ“†
  • Read at least 10 books πŸ“š
  • Continue working on Monolith πŸ“
  • Save up for a new car πŸš—

What if I don't complete a goal?

If this list is looking like I haven't ticked much off, tweet at me and tell me to get a move on!

A little encouragement goes a long way πŸ˜„


An account of some long term goals for the year. Made public for transparency and accountability