ajayahara / metalistic

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Starting Express Server with Environment Variables

  1. Install Dependencies: Run npm install to install dependencies.

  2. Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the project root and add: PORT=8000 & MONGO=Your_Mongo_URI

  3. Start the Server: Run npm start to start the server.

  4. Accessing the Server: Access the server at http://localhost:8000.

  5. Stopping the Server: Stop the server with Ctrl + C.

  6. Using Environment Variables: Access environment variables like process.env.PORT & process.env.MONGOin your code.

  7. Troubleshooting: Check terminal for errors and ensure environment variables are correctly defined.

API End Points

Get All Users

  • Description: Retrieves a paginated list of all users.
  • URL: /api/users
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • page (optional): Specifies the page number for pagination. Default is 1.
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200 OK
    • Content:
          "_id": "user_id",
          "name": "user_name",
          "parent_id": "parent_user_id",
          "_id": "user_id",
          "name": "user_name",
          "parent_id": "parent_user_id",
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Content:
      { "error": "Internal server error" }

Get User By ID

  • Description: Retrieves a user by their ID.
  • URL: /api/users/:userId
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • userId: ID of the user to retrieve.
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200 OK
    • Content:
        "_id": "user_id",
        "name": "user_name",
        "parent_id": "parent_user_id",
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 404 Not Found
    • Content:
      { "error": "User not found" }
    • Code: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Content:
      { "error": "Internal server error" }

Add User

  • Description: Adds a new user to the database.
  • URL: /api/users
  • Method: POST
  • Data Params:
    • name: Name of the user.
    • parent_id (optional): ID of the parent user.
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 201 Created
    • Content:
        "_id": "user_id",
        "name": "user_name",
        "parent_id": "parent_user_id",
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Content:
      { "error": "Internal server error" }

Distribute Earning

  • Description: Distributes earnings to users based on a predefined percentage structure.
  • URL: /api/distribute/:userId
  • Method: POST
  • URL Params:
    • userId: ID of the user to distribute earnings.
  • Data Params:
    • toBeDistribute: Amount of earning to distribute.
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200 OK
    • Content:
      { "message": "Earning Distributed" }
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 400 Bad Request
    • Content:
      { "error": "Distribution amount could not be less than 0 or undefined" }
    • Code: 404 Not Found
    • Content:
      { "error": "User not found" }
    • Code: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Content:
      { "error": "Internal server error" }

Explanation of distributeEarning Controller

The distributeEarning function is an asynchronous function that handles the distribution of earnings to users based on a predefined percentage structure. Below is a breakdown of its functionality:

  1. Request Parameters:

    • The function accepts req (request) and res (response) parameters, typical in Express.js route handlers.
    • It extracts userId from the request parameters and toBeDistribute from the request query.
  2. Input Validation:

    • It checks if toBeDistribute is undefined or less than 0. If so, it returns a 400 Bad Request status with an error message indicating that the distribution amount cannot be less than 0 or undefined.
  3. Retrieving User Information:

    • It attempts to find the user with the provided userId using the UserModel.findById() method.
    • If the user is not found, it returns a 404 Not Found status with an error message indicating that the user was not found.
  4. Distribution Calculation:

    • It defines a percentage array percent representing the distribution percentages for different levels.
    • It initializes level to 1 and parent to the current user.
    • It iterates over the parent hierarchy, updating earnings for each level based on the distribution percentage.
    • It calculates the remaining percentage for the user's own earning after distributing to the parent hierarchy.
  5. Updating User Earnings:

    • It updates the user's earning with the remaining percentage calculated above.
  6. Response:

    • If the distribution is successful, it returns a 200 OK status with a success message indicating that the earning has been distributed.
  7. Error Handling:

    • If an error occurs during the execution, it logs the error to the console and returns a 500 Internal Server Error status with an error message indicating an internal server error.

This function efficiently distributes earnings to users based on a hierarchical structure and predefined percentage distribution. It handles input validation, retrieves user information, performs the distribution calculation, updates user earnings, and provides appropriate responses and error handling.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%