ajaxjs / acro-build-form

acro.design 用JSON创建form表单

Home Page:https://ajaxjs.github.io/acro-build-form/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


注意:本组件依赖 @arco-design/web-vue 版本需要升级到2.55.2版本以上。打包后仅7kb


GitHub: https://github.com/ajaxjs/acro-build-form

安装 acro-build-form

pnpm install acro-build-form
// 导入插件
import BuildForm from 'acro-build-form';

// 安装插件

acro-build-input 输入框



参数 类型 说明
label string 输入框标签
type string 类型:input(默认)numbertagradiocheckboxrateselectsliderswitchtextareacascadertransferdaterangetree-selectuploadcolorauto-completesearchpassword,参数请参考各自组件的说明文档。
slots object 输入框插槽,请参考各自组件的说明文档。
options array radiocheckbox,等组件专用属性,格式为:['value']或[{label:'名称',value:'值'}]
noPlaceholder boolean 隐藏默认placeholder
        <acro-build-input v-model="title" label="标题" />
        <acro-build-input v-model="color" label="标题" type="radio" :options="['red','blue','orange']" />

<script setup>
    import {ref} from 'vue';
    const title = ref('');
    const color = ref('');

acro-build-fleld 表单项

Props 参数

参数 类型 说明
v-model object 表单值,受控
fields array 表单项,继承acro-build-input组件及子组件所有参数
	<a-form :model="">
        <acro-build-field v-model="params" :fields="formField">
            <!-- 字段插槽 input-[字段name]-[插槽类型] -->
            <template #input-imgcode-append>
                <img src="img_code_src" width="100px" height="34px" />

            <!-- 表单项插槽 field-[字段name]-[插槽类型] -->
            <template #field-phone-help>


<script setup>
    import {ref} from 'vue';
    // 表单数据
    const params = ref({});
    // 发送验证码
    function sendMsgCode() {
    // 表单字段
    const formField = [
        { name: 'phone', label: '手机号' },
        { name: 'imgcode', label: '图形验证码' },
            name: 'msgcode', label: '验证码',
            slots: {
                append: () => h(Button, { type: 'primary', onClick: sendMsgCode }, { default: () => '获取验证码' })
        // 分隔线
        { type: 'divider', label: '详细资料', orientation: 'center' },
        { name: 'password', label: '密码', type: 'password' },
        { name: 'sex', label: '性别', type: 'radio', options: ['', ''] },
        { name: 'born', label: '生日', type: 'date' },
        { name: 'vals', label: '温度', type: 'slider' },
        // 支持带col栅格参数
        { name: 'key1', label: 'key 1', span: 12 },
        { name: 'key2', label: 'key 2', span: 12 },

acro-build-form 表单


参数 类型 说明
buttons array 表单按扭,默认第一个按扭为submit
buttonSpace object 按扭间距,参考space组件参数:https://arco.design/vue/component/space

Slots 插槽

插槽 说明
form-prepend 表单项之前,可用于添加额外字段
form-append 表单项之后(按扭之前)
default 按扭之后
	<!-- 默认使用 -->
	<acro-build-form v-model="params" :fields="formField" />

	<!-- 可设置表单组件相关参数 -->
	<acro-build-form v-model="params" :fields="formField" layout="vertical" />

<script setup>
    import {ref} from 'vue';
    // 表单数据
    const params = ref({});
    // 表单字段
    const formField = [
        { name: 'phone', label: '手机号' },
        { name: 'imgcode', label: '图形验证码' },
            name: 'msgcode', label: '验证码',
            slots: {
                append: () => h(Button, { type: 'primary', onClick: sendMsgCode }, { default: () => '获取验证码' })


a-btn 按扭

参数 说明
label 按扭文字
icon 左图标
iconRight 右图标
    <a-card title="a-btn 按扭" style="margin: 10px;">
            <a-btn label="普通按钮" />
            <a-btn label="主要按扭" type="primary" />
            <a-btn label="镂空按扭" type="outline" />
            <a-btn label="带图标" type="outline" :icon="IconDelete"></a-btn>
            <a-btn label="设置图标" type="outline" :icon="h(IconDelete, { size: '2em' })"></a-btn>
            <a-btn label="右图标" type="outline" :icon-right="IconCheckCircle"></a-btn>
        <a-divider>使用 iconfont.cn 项目</a-divider>
            <a-btn label="右图标" type="outline" :icon="h(IconFont, { type: 'icon-flag', size: '1.5em' })"></a-btn>
            <a-btn label="右图标" type="outline" :icon-right="h(IconFont, { type: 'icon-person' })"></a-btn>

<script setup>
import { h } from 'vue';
import { Icon } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import { IconDelete, IconCheckCircle } from '@arco-design/web-vue/es/icon';
const IconFont = Icon.addFromIconFontCn({ src: '//at.alicdn.com/t/font_180975_ue66sq60vyd.js' });



    <div class="wrapper">
        {{ prms }}
        <a-card class="q-mx-md" style="max-width: 640px;margin:auto">
            <acro-build-form v-model="prms" :fields="fields" :buttons="['立即提交',{label:'重置',htmlType:'reset'}]" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const prms = ref({})

const addressSet = [
        value: 'beijing',
        label: 'Beijing',
        children: [
                value: 'chaoyang',
                label: 'ChaoYang',
                children: [
                        value: 'datunli',
                        label: 'Datunli',
                value: 'haidian',
                label: 'Haidian',
                value: 'dongcheng',
                label: 'Dongcheng',
                value: 'xicheng',
                label: 'Xicheng',
                children: [
                        value: 'jinrongjie',
                        label: 'Jinrongjie',
                        value: 'tianqiao',
                        label: 'Tianqiao',
        value: 'shanghai',
        label: 'Shanghai',
        children: [
                value: 'huangpu',
                label: 'Huangpu',
const treeData = [
        key: 'k1',
        title: 'key1',
        children: [
                key: 'k11',
                title: 'key11',
                key: 'k12',
                title: 'key12',
        key: 'k2',
        title: 'key2',
        children: [
                key: 'k21',
                title: 'key21',
                key: 'k22',
                title: 'key22',
// 字段
const fields = [
    { name: 'username', label: '用户名', placeholder: '请输入用户名!' },
    { name: 'password', label: '密码', type: 'password' },
    { type:'divider', label:'详细资料', orientation:'center' },
    { name: 'sex', label: '性别', type: 'radio', options: ['', ''] },
    { name: 'date', label: '生日', type: 'date' },
    { name: 'avatar', label: '头像', type: 'avatar' },
    { name: 'upload', label: '文件', type: 'upload' },
        name: 'area',
        label: '地区',
        type: 'select',
        options: ['广东', '福建', '浙江'],
    { name: 'address', label: '地址', type: 'cascader', options: addressSet },
        name: 'hobby',
        label: '爱好',
        type: 'checkbox',
        options: ['音乐', '电影', '游戏', '阅读'],
        name: 'number',
        label: '数量',
        type: 'number',
        mode: 'button',
    { name: 'rate', label: '评分', type: 'rate' },
    { name: 'tag', label: '标签', type: 'tag' },
    { name: 'color', label: '颜色', type: 'color' },
    { name: 'slider', label: '滑动条', type: 'slider' },
    { name: 'range', label: '区间条', type: 'slider', range: true },
    { name: 'switch', label: '开关', type: 'switch' },
    { name: 'textarea', label: '备注', type: 'textarea' },
    { name: 'time', label: '时间', type: 'time' },
        name: 'tree',
        label: '树选择',
        type: 'tree-select',
        options: treeData,
        name: 'ac',
        label: '自动完成',
        type: 'auto-complete',
        options: ['Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Chengdu', 'WuHan'],


Example Setup

npm install 

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


npm run lib

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


acro.design 用JSON创建form表单



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