ajaleelp / learn-reasonml-workshop

Learn ReasonML with 24 exercises. No prior functional programming knowledge required.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Warning: This repo now contains excercise files which were 'completed/fixed' during the course of my study. If you wish to learn from scratch, please fork a fresh copy from the original repo.


These exercises are originally from a workshop organized by Jane Street for teaching OCaml to programmers who work in other languages and who do not necessarily have experience with functional languages. Link to the original repo.

We updated the exercises to be useful for someone interested in learning Reason. Reason is a new syntax and toolchain powered by OCaml. Reason syntax and NPM/Yarn workflow will seem familiar to Javascript programmers.

Setting Up

  1. Install reason-cli globally. The bundles are larger than 100MB and npm does not show progress while downloading.

  2. The recommended editor is VSCode along with the vscode-reasonml extension. If you prefer a different editor check the instructions for other supported editors

  3. Add the Reason Tools browser extension. It works as a popup where you can copy code to convert between Reason and OCaml syntaxes. When you visit OCaml library documentation you can switch between viewing Reason/OCaml syntax.

  4. Run npm install.


The exercises are ordered and can be found within src/exercises directory. Start with the first exercise - src/exercises/01-introduction/introduction.re.

After completing each exercise, run its test. For example for the second exercise, run the test as:

node src/exercises/02-basic_types/basicTypes.bs.js

This .bs.js file is your Reason program .re compiled to Javascript. .bs stands for the bucklescript compiler. You should read the .bs.js file for each exercise and compare the Javascript output to the original Reason code. This will help you develop an intuition for the language very quickly.

You can also run ./run_tests which will run all the tests automatically for you and stop at the first failing one.


Learn ReasonML with 24 exercises. No prior functional programming knowledge required.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:OCaml 98.5%Language:C++ 1.5%