Ali Jamali (aj1365)


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Company:Simon Fraser University


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Ali Jamali's repositories


This code is for the paper "Local Window Attention Transformer for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification" that is published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters journal.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:34Issues:3Issues:5


This code is for the paper "PolSAR Image Classification based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Wavelet Transformation" that is published in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters journal.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:23Issues:1Issues:0


Here are the codes for the "TransU-Net++: Rethinking attention gated TransU-Net for deforestation mapping" paper.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:17Issues:3Issues:1


Here are the codes for the "Deep Forest classifier for wetland mapping using the combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data" paper.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:15Issues:1Issues:1


Here are the codes for the "WetMapFormer: A unified deep CNN and vision transformer for complex wetland mapping" paper.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:15Issues:3Issues:1


Here is the code developed for the paper "A deep learning framework based on generative adversarial networks and vision transformer for complex wetland classification using limited training samples" puplished in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:14Issues:2Issues:1


Here are the codes for the "Swin Transformer and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Coastal Wetland Classification using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and LiDAR Data" paper.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:10Issues:2Issues:0


This Keras code is for the paper A. Jamali, S. K. Roy, J. Li and P. Ghamisi, "[Neighborhood Attention Makes the Encoder of ResUNet Stronger for Accurate Road Extraction]," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2024.3354560 [].

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:10Issues:3Issues:3


This Keras code is for the paper Residual wave vision U-Net for flood mapping using dual polarization Sentinel-1 SAR imagery☆

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:9Issues:0Issues:0


Here are the codes for the "3DUNetGSFormer: A deep learning pipeline for complex wetland mapping using generative adversarial networks and Swin transformer" paper.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:7Issues:2Issues:1


This code is for the paper "e-TransUNet: TransUNet provides a strong spatial transformation for precise deforestation mapping" that is published in the Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. journal.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:7Issues:0Issues:0


This Keras code is for the paper A. Jamali, Ali and Roy, Swalpa Kumar and Hong, Danfeng and Atkinson, Peter M and Ghamisi, Pedram, "[Spatial Gated Multi-Layer Perceptron for Land Use and Land Cover Mapping]," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2024.3354175 []

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:7Issues:4Issues:2


This Keras code is for the paper A. Jamali, Ali and Roy, Swalpa Kumar and Hong, Danfeng and Atkinson, Peter M and Ghamisi, Pedram, "[Attention Graph Convolutional Network for Disjoint Hyperspectral Image Classification]," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2024.335642 [].

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:6Issues:3Issues:0
Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0


How to Learn More? Exploring the Possibility of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification



SimPoolFormer: A Two-Stream Vision Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
