aisamu / conventional-commit.el

Completion support for conventional commits

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CI Status

This library provides support for conventional commits in Emacs. It provides a completion function for types and scopes.


If you are using eglot or lsp-mode, you have probably added company-capf to company-backends already. You can use the following use-package snippet to enable company completion in git-commit-mode:

(use-package conventional-commit
  (git-commit-mode . conventional-commit-setup))

If you haven’t, you have to add company-capf to company-backends:

(add-hook 'company-backends #'company-capf)

To configure the list of types, customize conventional-commit-type-list variable.

To configure scopes, set conventional-commit-scope-table in .dir-locals.el of your project.


Completion support for conventional commits

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%