airtonix / bankdownloader

automate downloading your bank transactions

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bank Transaction Downloader

Simple command line tool that you'd use in a scheduled task to download bank transactions.

Supported Banks

  • ANZ

(that's it for now, but feel free to add more!)

Getting Started

  1. create a example config and download the playwright patched browsers with bank-downloader init
  2. edit the config file
  3. run bank-downloader download


bank-downloader makes use of chromedp to automate a real browser.

This means you need to have google chrome, or chromium installed on your system.


bank-downloader uses a YAML config file to describe the jobs to run.

Each job should describe a single institution and login details, and a list of accounts to download. It is assumed that each account will be downloaded to a separate file.


The config file is located at ~/.bank-downloader/config.yaml by default.

  - name: "anz"
    exportFormat: "AgriBank (CSV)"
    outputTemplate: "mybank-firstuser-{{.Account.NameSlug}}-{{.Account.NumberSlug}}-{{.FromDateUnix}}-{{.ToDateUnix}}.csv"
    daysToFetch: 7
        type: file
        username: "myusername"
        password: "mypassword"
      - name: "My Everyday Cash Account Name"
        number: "123456789"
  - name: "anz"
    exportFormat: "Agrimaster(CSV)"
    outputTemplate: "mybank-seconduser-{{.Account.NameSlug}}-{{.Account.NumberSlug}}-{{.FromDateUnix}}-{{.ToDateUnix}}.csv"
    daysToFetch: 7
        type: file
        username: "my-other-username"
        password: "my-other-password"
      - name: "My Offset Account Name"
        number: "123456789"
      - name: "My Fixed Rate Mortage Account Name"
        number: "123456789"


Sources where bankdownloader can download transactions from.


The name of the bank to download from. Currently only anz is supported.


The format of the downloaded file. Supported formats depends on the source.

For reference, the ANZ source supports:

  • Microsoft Money(OFC)
  • Quicken(OFX)
  • Quicken(QIF)
  • Microsoft Excel(CSV)
  • Agrimaster(CSV)
  • Phoenix Gateway(CSV)


The template to use for the output file name.

example: mybank-firstuser-{{.Account.NameSlug}}-{{.Account.NumberSlug}}-{{.FromDateUnix}}-{{.ToDateUnix}}.csv

The following variables are available:

  • {{.Source}} - the name of the source
  • {{.SourceSlug}} - the name of the source, with spaces replaced with dashes
  • {{.Account.Name}} - the name of the account
  • {{.Account.NameSlug}} - the name of the account, with spaces replaced with dashes
  • {{.Account.Number}} - the account number
  • {{.Account.NumberSlug}} - the account number, with spaces replaced with dashes
  • {{.FromDate}} - the date of the first transaction in the file
  • {{.FromDateSlug}} - the date of the first transaction in the file, with spaces replaced with dashes
  • {{.FromDateUnix}} - the date of the first transaction in the file, in unix time
  • {{.ToDate}} - the date of the last transaction in the file
  • {{.ToDateSlug}} - the date of the last transaction in the file, with spaces replaced with dashes
  • {{.ToDateUnix}} - the date of the last transaction in the file, in unix time
  • {{.Now}} - the current date


The number of days to fetch. Defaults to 7.


The credentials to use to log in to the bank.


The type of credentials to use to log in to the bank. Currently only file, gopass, env, gopass-otp, keychain are supported.

If file is used, the username and password are read from the username and password fields.

If gopass is used, the username and password are read from gopass using the usernameKey and passwordKey fields, and the gopass binary must be installed.

If env is used, the username and password are read from environment variables using the usernameKey and passwordKey fields.

If gopass-otp is used, the username, password and otp are read from gopass using the usernameKey, passwordKey and otpKey fields, and the gopass binary must be installed.

If keychain is used, the username and password are read from the keychain using the usernameKey and passwordKey fields. keychain is only supported on osx, linux, bsd or windows.


A list of accounts to download.


The name of the account to download.


The number of the account to download.


bank-downloader init

Creates an example config file at ~/.bank-downloader/config.yaml.

bank-downloader download

Downloads transactions for all jobs in the config file.



The path to the config file to use. Defaults to ~/.bank-downloader/config.yaml.


Whether to run the browser in headless mode. Defaults to true.


Whether to run the browser in debug mode. Defaults to false.


The date range mode to use. Defaults to days.


  • days-ago - use the daysToFetch config to calculate the date range, but always download transactions from yesterday to the last daysToFetch days.
  • since-last-download - uses the daysToFetch config to calculate the date range, but always download transactions from the last downloaded transaction date. If the last downloaded transaction date is not available, it will download transactions from yesterday to the last daysToFetch days. If the end date is in the future, it will be set to yesterday.

The idea here is that with a daysToFetch of 60, you can set up a scheduled task to run bank-downloader download every week, and it will:

  • on first run download transactions from the last 60 days
  • on subsequent runs download transactions from the last 60 days, or since the last downloaded transaction date, whichever is more recent

How it works

bank-downloader automates your installed instance of google chrome.

  1. logs in to the bank,
  2. for each account:
    1. navigates to the accounts page,
    2. navigates to the transactions page,
    3. calculates the date range based on the daysToFetch config, and the last downloaded transaction date
    4. downloads the transactions for the date range
    5. saves the transactions to a file, using the outputTemplate config
    6. saves the last downloaded transaction date to a file, so that next time it can calculate the date range correctly




automate downloading your bank transactions


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