airbornelamb / atom-markdown-academic

Setup Atom for academic writing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


After following all the instructions you will have a good setup for academic writing using Atom with Zotero/Bibtex integration, prose linting, and Pandoc support.


  1. Install atom from
  2. Install necessary atom packages
apm install zen atom-clock atomic-vale autocomplete-bibtex busy-signal file-icons intentions linter linter-just-say-no linter-proselint linter-ui-default linter-write-good wordcount
  1. Install Zotero and better bibtex
  1. Setup atom packages
  • Setup zen: check fullscreen, check softwrap, set "show wordcount: right"
  • Setup autocomplete-bibtex: set the "Bibtex" setting to the .bib file which is exported by zotero better bibtex
  1. Install Pandoc download here

Congratulations! You should now be able to fire up zotero and open your web browser and save sources with a single click. Then better-bibtex will export everything periodically to a .bib file which will be read by Atom. You can begin typing your paper in Markdown and then type "[@author]" and press the Tab key for source completion. Check out vim-academic for sample commands and files to use pandoc to convert to docx.

Bonus: Setting up Vale

This repo contains some modified grammatical styles from Vale and some instrustions for setting it up with Atom text editor. Vale is "A syntax-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind".

  1. Clone this repo into your home directory
git clone ~/
  1. Download the vale release
  2. Extract the vale release and move the binary to your path. e.g. /usr/local/bin/vale
  3. Open Atom and configure the atomic-vale package by setting the path to your vale installation
  4. Create a .vale file in your home directory and fill it with the below contents
# Core settings
StylesPath = /home/PUTYOURUSERNAMEHERE/atom-markdown-academic
MinAlertLevel = warning # suggestion, warning or error

# Global settings (applied to every syntax)
# List of styles to load
BasedOnStyles = vale, proselint, write-good, 18F, MailChimp, Middlebury, OpenStack, PlainLanguage
# Style.Rule = {YES, NO} to enable or disable a specific rule
vale.GenderBias = NO
# You can also change the level associated with a rule
vale.Hedging = error

# Syntax-specific settings
# These overwrite any conflicting global settings

Should be good to go. You will also be able to lint files from the command line with vale FILENAME


Setup Atom for academic writing