aimestereo / ansible-supervisor

A role for creating supervisor tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Ansible Galaxy

A role for creating supervisor tasks.

  • Ensures that supervisor is installed (using apt);
  • Ensures that supervisord is running and enabled for autostart;
  • Creates a task in the supervisor conf directory;
  • Run created task.


This role requires at least Ansible v1.7.0. To install it, run:

ansible-galaxy install vvkuznetsov.supervisor


Simple use

  - role: vvkuznetsov.supervisor
    name: webserver
    command: python -m SimpleHTTPServer
    directory: /opt/web
    user: ubuntu
    stopsignal: HUP

Non standart way

If you want to use this role as a dependence to your own role and you have strict sequence of steps and you have to use supervisor in the middle/end of them. Then I can only suggest you to separate your role in mini-roles and connect them as dependences like that:

  - base
  - web

Web role that makes:

  • download code from git;
  • configured virtualenv;
  • copied configuration files for nginx and gunicorn;
  • configured supervisor.

Even if web role makes only configuration of preinstalled programs it is too hard to use outer role in this scenario. You can easily use it in playbook right after role web. But it's ugly to use web role specific vars outside of role that setted them. Another way to split web role in meaningful steps like this:

  - base
  - code
  - nginx
  - web
    - defaults
      - main.yml
    - meta
      - main.yml
    - vars
      - main.yml

Web role will be like group of roles, that only set variables and connect roles as dependencies:

# web/meta/main.yml


  - role: code
  - role: supervisor
    name: "{{ application_name }}"
    command: "{{ virtualenv_path }}/bin/gunicorn_start"
    user: "{{ gunicorn_user }}"
    stdout_logfile: "{{ application_log_file }}"
    tags: supervisor
  - role: nginx

It still no good it will be better if we cat call role inside another role. But for me it's better than first way.

Role Variables

Escape warning: most options need "%" escaped as "%%", as supervisord uses %(var_name)s for variable substitution.

1. Required

name: No default

The name is used within client applications that control the processes that are created as a result of this configuration. It is an error to create a program section that does not have a name. The name must not include a colon character or a bracket character. The value of the name is used as the value for the %(program_name)s string expression expansion within other values where specified.

command: No default

The command to run.

2. Optional

restart_task: false

If true, supervisor will restart your app even if configuration file did not changed.

supervisor_inet_http_server: 9001

Set false if don't need a web gui. A TCP host:port value or (e.g. on which supervisor will listen for HTTP/XML-RPC requests. supervisorctl will use XML-RPC to communicate with supervisord over this port. To listen on all interfaces in the machine, use :9001 or *:9001.

directory: No default

A file path representing a directory to which supervisord should temporarily chdir before exec’ing the child.

supervisor_dir: "/etc/supervisor"

The folder for supervisord config will be placed.

supervisor_config_dir: "{{ supervisor_dir }}/conf.d"

The folder where all apps configs will be placed.

supervisorctl_command: "supervisorctl"

The command that is using to manage supervised services.

redirect_stderr: "true"

If true, cause the process’ stderr output to be sent back to supervisord on its stdout file descriptor (in UNIX shell terms, this is the equivalent of executing /the/program 2>&1).

autorestart: "true"

May be one of false, unexpected, or true. If false, the process will never be autorestarted. If unexpected, the process will be restart when the program exits with an exit code that is not one of the exit codes associated with this process’ configuration (see exitcodes). If true, the process will be unconditionally restarted when it exits, without regard to its exit code.

autostart: "true"

If true, this program will start automatically when supervisord is started.

user: "root"

If supervisord is run as the root user, switch users to this UNIX user account before doing any meaningful processing. This value has no effect if supervisord is not run as root.

env_vars: {}

Environment dict that will be placed in the child process’ environment.

numprocs: 1

Supervisor will start as many instances of this program as named by numprocs. Note that if numprocs > 1, the process_name expression must include %(process_num)s (or any other valid Python string expression that includes process_num) within it.

process_name: "%(process_num)02d"

A Python string expression that is used to compose the supervisor process name for this process. You usually don’t need to worry about setting this unless you change numprocs. The string expression is evaluated against a dictionary that includes group_name, host_node_name, process_num, program_name, and here (the directory of the supervisord config file).

socket: No default, optional

Socket to listen on, on behalf of this program. Setting this will generate an fcgi-program:{{ name }} instead of program:{{ name }} section.

Additional notes

This role will not restart your app every time it's called if you don't set variable restart_task: true

Authors and license

supervisor role was written by:

License: MIT


A role for creating supervisor tasks.

License:MIT License