aikidistas / YoutubeStatsDownloader

Youtube statistics downloader

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Youtube statistics downloader


You need to create a simple application which:

  1. Using Youtube API ( scrapes channel videos with tags and stats. Also you need to track changes of video stats every N minutes in order to see how videos are performing. Please pick the interval to scan stats which, according to you, is efficient and smart. You can hardcode channel ID in code, that’s not important.
  2. Create DB scheme and save scraped data. Please consider, that we will want to scan a lot of channels, so queries to aggregate and select data shouldn’t take long. If you would like to use more than MySQL, like Redis or database sharding, you can just give us notes how you would do that, no need to implement this. Using just MySQL should be ok for this task.
  3. Create mini dashboard (no requirements for UI), where you can filter videos: a) By tags (use autocomplete input). b) By video performance (first hour views divided by channels all videos first hour views median) Bonus points for pseudo algorithm for fetching as many youtube channels as possible. Requirements: PHP or Python; (You can use framework if needed) MySQL; (If you use ORM, please write at least 1 plain SQL query) MVC structure; GitHub;

Set Up instructions

  1. Create .env_ file using _.env.dist
  2. Install dependencies using php composer.phar install
  3. Database:
    3.1 Configure the driver (mysql) and server_version (5.6) in config/packages/doctrine.yaml
    3.2 Create database specified in .env by running: php bin/console doctrine:database:create
    3.3 Create tables and demo data by running: php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  4. Tests:
    4.1 Run phpUnit tests using: bin/simple-phpunit
    4.2 Generate phpUnit code coverage: bin/simple-phpunit --coverage-html=coverage
    4.3 Look code coverage in the browsercoverage/index.html
  5. Run web server for development using: bin/console server:run

Usage instructions. Scraper commands
Add these commands to your servers cron job and schedule it to run every N minutes. Choose N as you like.
Note: you can stack these commands to one cron job by using syntax: command1 && command2 && command3

  1. bin/console app:scrape-channel CHANNEL_ID_HERE
    1.1 Example: bin/console app:scrape-channel UCydKucK3zAWRuHKbB4nJjtw
  2. Run command to update all channels video performance statistics bin/console app:video-perfrmance


  1. Asumed that only uploaded videos in the channel need to be scraped. Possible to add also other playlists in the channel. Should be implemented separately.
  2. Video first hour performance can't be correctly determined for already existing in youtube videos. We can't get historical data. Assumption is made that first hour starts when we see the video with our scraper first time.


Youtube statistics downloader


Language:PHP 96.1%Language:HTML 2.6%Language:JavaScript 1.3%