# Cryptopals Challenges Set 1: Chall 1 - Done Chall 2 - Done Chall 3 - Done Chall 4 - Done Chall 5 - Done Chall 6 - Done Chall 7 - Done Chall 8 - Done Set 2: Chall 9 - Done Chall 10 - Done Chall 11 - Done Chall 12 - Done Chall 13 - Done Chall 14 - Done Chall 15 - Done Chall 16 - Done Set 3: Chall 17 - Firm understanding of attack, can guess first character, full implementation of algorithm didn't seem necessary Chall 18 - Done Chall 19 - Have firm understanding, implementing attack (Frequency analysis) didnt seem necessary Chall 20 - Chall 21 - Done Chall 22 - Done, but the attack requires quite a few minutes and I felt like moving on Chall 23 - Done, didn't want to destroy my MT19937 class to actually clone my own twister though Chall 24 - Done Set 4: Chall 25 - Done Chall 26 - Done Chall 27 - Done Chall 28 - Done Chall 29 - Done Chall 30 - Trivial to complete, however a large ammount of coding is required since we need to use MD4 instead of SHA1 Chall 31 - Done Chall 32 - Same attack as chall 31, but more precise timing, so I omitted this challenge Set 5: Chall 33 - Done Chall 34 - Done Chall 35 - Done Chall 36 - Done Chall 37 - Done Chall 38 - Implemented Crypto, did not Implement attack Chall 39 - Done Chall 40 - Couldn't get the CRT math just right, not sure why it didn't work