Ahsan Habib's repositories
This repo we will see how to configure spring cloud oauth2 on microservice architecture. there are five services auth ,eureka, gateway, item, salses. the auth service is authorization server item and sales service is resource server
In this tutorial, we'll secure a REST API using Spring Boot, JPA, MySQL, Hibernate validation with spring security cloud OAuth2 with Authorization Server + Resource Serve with jdbcTokenStore
This repository we will see dockerized spring boot microservice using docker, docker-compose. The application container connect with local database to stored data instead of docker DB
In this article, we will see how to secure a spring-boot 2 application using keycloak. I will be using the `keycloak-spring-boot-2-adapter`(version: 8.0.1) with spring-security. As of now, the adapter has a couple of ongoing issues. Which requires some workaround configuration to get it properly working with spring-boot 2. In the type of integration pattern, your spring context handles the request-mapping flow for your application i.e MVC flow. Keycloak adapter creates auth session id’s at the server-side and then sends in the form of cookie at the client browser side, once the authentication is done. Users can access the resources. This type of integration is known as server-side integration with keycloak.
In this article, we will see how to secure a spring-boot-2.0 MVC pattern application using spring basic security. a user can registration with user name & password as a role base and user can update password. after user login a can view module by role wise. it's has two role admin and user.
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that utilizes the publish/subscribe message pattern to interact with applications, and it’s designed to create durable messages. In this tutorial basic concepts behind Apache Kafka and build a fully-functional Java application, capable of both producing and consuming messages from Kafka.
This repository we will see advance microservice architecture by spring boot, eureka, zuul, hystrix monitoring dashboard, swagger 2 and web services
This repository we will see simple microservice architecture with distributed configuration spring boot, spring cloud netflix eureka, spring cloud zuul and web services
This repository we will see file how to multipart file upload and download in REST API using Spring boot, JPA, MySQL, Hibernet validation .
This repository we will see a CRUD operation on RESTful Web Services for enterprise applications using Spring Boot, JPA, MySQL. Here we also implement how to hadal runtime exception
In this repository we will how to print jasper report in spring boot rest API. Report print will be generate through the rest API.
In this repository we will see simple CRUD Application on MVC Pattern technology using Spring Boot, thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, MySQL
In this repository we will see advance java with example. Basically we see JAVA 8 features such us stream-api, lambda-expressions etc...
Here we will see git all command with details to manage remote git using terminal
In this repository we will be able to see java design patterns with example
In this repository we will see variants problem solving paradigm using different programming language java, c++, python for online coding challenge
In this repository we will describe solid design principles with example.
Angular demon project for beginner
In this repository we will see basic java concepts with example
In this repository we will see data structure and algorithm all topic with example beginner to advance
MUI Core: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design.
In this repository we will see micro-blogging system. It's developed by spring boot, oauth2 and MySQL for beck-end service and reactJs used for front-end service
Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Docker
Simple CRUD operation using reactJS for client service. the client service communication with backend service the backend service developed by spring boot, JPA, MySQL
Now we will see social login on reactjs client-service. here we used for user sign up google, facebook, github and registration from. use can be login by username & Password and social login
DAO pattern implemented between angular component and service communication
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.