ahnooie / ansible-role-lxd-container

Manage LXD/LXC Containers on a remote Linux Container Host

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LXD Container Ansible Role

This role manages LXD/LXC Containers on a remote Linux Container Host. https://www.ubuntu.com/containers/lxd

Build Status


  • LXD 2.0 or greater must be installed on the LXD host and ansible server (it should already be installed by default on Ubuntu 16.04)

  • LXD should already be setup on the remote host using sudo lxd init or using an Ansible Role such as juju4/lxd

  • In order for Ansible to manage an LXD host remotely the following commands must be run ahead of time:

On the remote LXD host:

$ lxc config set core.https_address [::]:8443
$ lxc config set core.trust_password replace-this-with-a-secure-password

On the Ansible host:

$ lxc config set core.https_address [::]:8443
$ lxc remote add lxd4 lxd4.example.com

(replace lxd4.example.com with the hostname of your LXD host, 'lxd4' can be named whatever you want, you'll need to reference it in the inventory file)

  • Tested on an LXD host and Ansible host both using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (may work with other distros)

Role Variables

These variables are documented here: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/lxd_container_module.html

  • state: started (default), stopped, restarted, absent, frozen
  • type: image (default)
  • mode: pull (default)
  • server: https://images.linuxcontainers.org (default)
  • protocol: lxd (default)
  • alias: ubuntu/xenial/amd64 (default)
  • wait_for_ipv4_addresses: true (default)
  • timeout: 600 (default)

Additional Variables:

  • public_key: "{{ lookup('file','~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}" (default) - path to public ssh key to install in container
  • enable_ssh: true (default) - installs and enables the openssh server in the container.
  • lxd_host: your lxd container host




$ ansible-galaxy install ahnooie.lxd-container


The following example will install 6 containers with various Linux distributions on the lxd4.example.com LXD host; and on each host install python, add a public ssh key for the root user, install and start the sshd service.

Inventory File Example

# Remote LXD Host
lxd4.example.com ansible_user=root

# Containers on LXD Hosts
ubuntu01.example.com ansible_host=lxd4:ubuntu01 alias=ubuntu/xenial/amd64
centos01.example.com ansible_host=lxd4:centos01 alias=centos/7/amd64
centos02.example.com ansible_host=lxd4:centos02 alias=centos/6/amd64
debian01.example.com ansible_host=lxd4:debian01 alias=debian/stretch/amd64
fedora01.example.com ansible_host=lxd4:fedora01 alias=fedora/27/amd64


Playbook Example containers.yml

- hosts: linux-containers
  gather_facts: false
    public_key: "{{ lookup('file','public_keys/id_rsa.pub') }}"
  - ahnooie.lxd-container

Playbook Command Example

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory containers.yml



Author Information

Created by Benjamin Bryan


Manage LXD/LXC Containers on a remote Linux Container Host

License:MIT License