ahmedsaheed / dropzone

Upload, delete, share files and create folders via GCP

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dropzone - A Dropbox Replica

Upload, Delete and Share Files and Folders via GCP

bash ./start.sh   # http://localhost:8080

DropZone · 7 22pm · 04-26

  1. Application login/logout service:

    • Must match provided examples exactly.
    • Requires firebase-login.js and local-constants.py setup as shown in examples.
  2. Data Model:

    • Create collections for User, Directory, and File with appropriate datatypes.
    • Create a default root directory (path of "/") for a user upon first login.
  3. Create Directory:

    • Implement functionality for users to create directories.
  4. Delete Directory:

    • Implement functionality for users to delete directories.
  5. Change Directory:

    • Allow users to change into specific directories.
  6. Navigate Up:

    • Allow users to navigate up a directory level using a special entry (path of "../").
  7. Root Directory Navigation:

    • Prevent displaying the ".." entry when a user is in their root directory.
  8. File Upload:

    • Enable users to upload files to the current directory, storing them in the cloud storage bucket.
    • Prompt for overwrite confirmation if a file with the same name already exists.
  9. Delete File:

    • Allow users to delete files from the current directory.
  10. Download File:

    • Implement functionality for users to download files from the current directory to their local machine.
  11. Directory Deletion Protection:

    • Prevent deletion of directories containing files or subdirectories.
  12. Duplicate File Detection:

    • Use hashing to identify and highlight duplicate files within the current directory.
  13. Dropbox-wide Duplicate Detection:

    • Implement functionality to detect duplicate files across a user's entire Dropbox, displaying matching files and their paths.
  14. File Sharing:

    • Allow users to share files with read-only access to other user accounts.
  15. UI Design:

    • Create a well-designed, intuitive, and user-friendly UI.
  • Duplicate directory names in the same location.
  • Incorrect directory deletion.
  • Unconfirmed file overwrites.
  • Incorrect file deletion.


Upload, delete, share files and create folders via GCP


Language:HTML 74.0%Language:Python 18.5%Language:JavaScript 7.4%Language:Shell 0.1%