ahmedash95 / coding-test-news-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

News API

This simple applications loads the important news from 2 sources

  • FoxNews
  • NewYorkTimes

The project has 2 main files

  • index.php
  • src/NewsAggregator

And it has 2 main packages

  • package/FoxNews
  • package/NYTimes

How to run

This applications runs on CLI only. so you can simply install composer

composer install


php index.php

and The output you would see is something like

$ php index.php

    [0] => Array
            [title] => Republicans Keep Coming Up With More Batshit Reasons to Oppose D.C. Statehood
            [author] => Caleb Ecarma
            [image] => https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/605a5e116c0da06e2048a353/16:9/w_1280,c_limit/GettyImages-1231358748.jpg
            [publish_date] => 2021-03-23T21:34:44Z
            [source] => Vanity Fair
            [url] => https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/03/republicans-oppose-dc-statehood

    [1] => Array
            [title] => Tesla Likely Won't Be Worth Anything Close To $3000
            [author] => The Value Portfolio
            [image] => https://static.seekingalpha.com/cdn/s3/uploads/getty_images/506868328/medium_image_506868328.jpg
            [publish_date] => 2021-03-23T21:29:52Z
            [source] => Seeking Alpha
            [url] => https://seekingalpha.com/article/4415688-tesla-likely-wont-be-worth-anything-close-to-3000

    [2] => Array
            [title] => If Tesla can determine that drivers aren’t paying attention, shouldn’t it warn drivers in the moment?
            [author] => Fred Lambert
            [image] => https://i0.wp.com/electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/03/tesla-autopilot-ap.jpg?resize=1200%2C628&quality=82&strip=all&ssl=1
            [publish_date] => 2021-03-23T21:28:18Z
            [source] => Electrek
            [url] => https://electrek.co/2021/03/23/if-tesla-can-determine-that-drivers-arent-paying-attention-shouldnt-it-warn-drivers-in-the-moment/


This class is used in index.php to load the news from the providers and return them


This directory contains third party packages to fetch news from.



You don't need to create pull requests. just commit changes to your fork. as any PR won't be accepted


So what we expect from you in this task?

we want you to help us improve this code and we first need you to address it's issues and bad code smells and how can we refactor this code to be Maintainable, Extendable, and Testable by applying the principles and best OOP practises.

Feel free to change any code in index.php or src package. but please be careful that you should not change any code in package directory.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Use FoxNews and NewYorkTimes.
  • There is another broken provider called BrokenProviderNews please use it in the aggregator class, this one is always throwing RuntimeException. and you need to handle its failure in the application
  • Use logging to log any failure when fetching news from any of the providers and store them in app-errors.log file. to make it simple we suggest to use this logging library Monolog.
  • Make it easy to add any provider later. as the purpose after your changes will be to add 100 provider. but you don't need to add them your self.



Language:PHP 100.0%