ahmadalli / OneLiners

OneLiner commands that helped me on some scenarios

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OneLiner commands that helped me on some scenarios


Getting Envs From All Over The Cluster

k get --all-namespaces all -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if .spec.template}}{{$namespace := .metadata.namespace}}{{$instance := index .spec.template.metadata.labels "app.kubernetes.io/instance"}}{{if .spec.template.spec}}{{range .spec.template.spec.containers}}{{if .env}}{{range .env}}{{$namespace}}:{{$instance}}:{{.name}}={{.value}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' | sort | uniq > k8s.env

I know this looks a little complex. Here's the multiline version of the go template:

{{range .items}}
  {{if .spec.template}}
    {{$namespace := .metadata.namespace}}
    {{$instance := index .spec.template.metadata.labels "app.kubernetes.io/instance"}}
    {{if .spec.template.spec}}
      {{range .spec.template.spec.containers}}
        {{if .env}}
          {{range .env}}

Delete Evicted Pods

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Evicted | awk {'print $1" " $2'} | while read ln; do kubectl delete pod -n $ln; done

Delete Terminating Pods

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Terminating | awk {'print $1" " $2'} | while read ln; do kubectl delete pod --grace-period=0 --force -n $ln; done


Scroll to The End of a Lazy Loaded Page

function scrollToBottom() {
    window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);

setInterval(scrollToBottom, 100)


OneLiner Multiple Package Installer

you need to add this function to your Profile.ps1 (more info)

function nugetip ([Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][string[]]$packages) {
    Foreach ($package in $packages) {
        install-package $package


Print All Authorized Keys for All Users

cat /etc/passwd | grep -Ev "^#" | cut -d: -f6 | xargs -I {} sh -c 'file={}/.ssh/authorized_keys; if [ -f $file ]; then echo -n {} && echo ":" && cat $file | grep . && echo; fi'

Http Request Timing

thanks to this page. I've just added http_code to it

curl -o /dev/null -s <url> -w "`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S`\ncode:          %{http_code}\nlookup:        %{time_namelookup}\nconnect:       %{time_connect}\nappconnect:    %{time_appconnect}\npretransfer:   %{time_pretransfer}\nredirect:      %{time_redirect}\nstarttransfer: %{time_starttransfer}\ntotal:         %{time_total}\n------------------------------\n"

Moving LVM Volumes Between Hosts


  • access from source host to both hosts
  • stable network on the host that runs this script to the source host

you can setup ssh-agent, then ssh into the source hosts and run this script

  • you must fill target_host, lvm_group, and lvm_name variables before running it (it's fillable and not a argument so you doable check before running it)

The Script

run this on the source host



if [[ ! -z $target_host ]] && [[ ! -z $lvm_group ]] && [[ ! -z $lvm_name ]]; then
  lvm_size=$(lvs $lvm_path -o LV_SIZE --noheadings --units g | xargs)
  read -p "copying $lvm_path with size of $lvm_size to $target_host. is it ok? (y/n) " -n 1 -r
  echo # (optional) move to a new line
  if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
    echo "creating volume on target"
    ssh $target_host lvcreate -n $lvm_name $lvm_group -L $lvm_size
    echo "activating volume"
    lvchange -a y $lvm_path
    echo "moving volume to the target"
    dd if=$lvm_path bs=4M | ssh $target_host dd of=$lvm_path bs=4M
  echo "you must fill target_host, lvm_group, and lvm_name variables"


on osx, /etc/passwd is incomplete. you need to use dscacheutil -q user | grep dir | cut -d" " -f2 for getting home directory of users instead. so on osx the command will be this:

dscacheutil -q user | grep dir | cut -d" " -f2 | xargs -I {} sh -c 'file={}/.ssh/authorized_keys; if [ -f $file ]; then printf {} && echo ":" && cat $file | grep . && echo; fi'


Download Docker Compose

add it to tasks section of your ansible playbook or to the tasks of your role

- name: install docker-compose
    dest: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    url: https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-{{ansible_system}}-{{ansible_userspace_architecture}}
    mode: 755
- name: bash completion
    dest: /etc/bash_completion.d/docker-compose
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/compose/master/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose
    mode: 755


RAM, CPU, HDD, and Residence Stats of VMS on CSV

sunstone doesn't include ram, cpu and hdd on the list page and I needed it for detailed host stats, so here it is.

Tools Required

  • onevm access
  • jq
    sudo wget https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.6/jq-linux64 -O /usr/local/bin/jq
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jq
  • yq
    pip install yq

The Script


set -e

echo "downloading vm info"
for id in `onevm list | cut -d' ' -f4 | grep .`; do 
  onevm show $id --xml > $id.xml; 
echo "merging vm infos"
echo "<VMS>" > vms
cat *.xml >> vms
echo "</VMS>" >> vms
rm *.xml
echo "extracting stats"
cat vms | xq '[.VMS.VM[] | { id: .ID, name: .NAME, cpu: (.TEMPLATE.CPU | tonumber), memory: ((.TEMPLATE.MEMORY | tonumber) / 1024), disk: ((.TEMPLATE.DISK.SIZE | tonumber) / 1024), hostname: (.HISTORY_RECORDS.HISTORY | if type != "array" then [.] else . end | last).HOSTNAME}]' > data.json
rm vms
cat data.json | jq -r '(.[0] | keys_unsorted) as $keys | $keys, map([.[ $keys[] ]])[] | @csv' > data.csv
rm data.json


OneLiner commands that helped me on some scenarios

License:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License