ahmadalibagheri / cdktf-typescript-aws-vpc

AWS vpc configuration with typescript and cdktf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Explore the Terraform for Terraform CLI >= v1.0+
  • Explore the Nodejs for npm CLI >= v14+
  • Explore the Yarn for Yarn CLI >= v1.21 (optional - NPM will work as an alternative)
  • Explore the CDK for cdktf CLI

Add your AWS credentials as two environment variables, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, replacing AAAAAA with each respective values.



A CDK for Terraform application in TypeScript for VPC configuraiton.


Install project dependencies

yarn install

Generate CDK for Terraform constructs for Terraform provides and modules used in the project.

cdktf get

You can now edit the main.ts file if you want to modify any code.

vim main.ts
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { App, TerraformStack, TerraformOutput } from "cdktf";
import {
} from "./.gen/providers/aws/";

class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, name: string) {
    super(scope, name);

    new AwsProvider(this, "aws", {
      region: "us-east-1",

    // Create VPC with Typescript and CKDTF
    const newVpc = new vpc.Vpc(this, "VPC", {
      cidrBlock: "",
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-VPC",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    // Create Two different Private subnets for assigning to the private network
    const privateSubnetA = new vpc.Subnet(this, "Private-Subnet-A", {
      availabilityZone: "us-east-1a",
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      mapPublicIpOnLaunch: false,
      cidrBlock: "",
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Private-Subnet-A",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    const privateSubnetB = new vpc.Subnet(this, "Private-Subnet-B", {
      availabilityZone: "us-east-1b",
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      mapPublicIpOnLaunch: false,
      cidrBlock: "",
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Private-Subnet-B",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    // Create Two different Public subnets for assigning to the public network
    const publicSubnetA = new vpc.Subnet(this, "Public-Subnet-A", {
      availabilityZone: "us-east-1a",
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true,
      cidrBlock: "",
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-Subnet-A",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    const publicSubnetB = new vpc.Subnet(this, "Public-Subnet-B", {
      availabilityZone: "us-east-1b",
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true,
      cidrBlock: "",
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-Subnet-B",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    // Create Internet Gateway For communication VPC and Internet
    const internetGatway = new vpc.InternetGateway(this, "Internet-Gateway", {
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-IG",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    // Create Two different Public IPs for assigning to the public network
    const publicipA = new ec2.Eip(this, "eip-A", {
      vpc: true,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-eip-A",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    const publicipB = new ec2.Eip(this, "eip-B", {
      vpc: true,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-eip-B",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    // Create Nat Gateway For communication Public and Private network
    const natgatewayA = new vpc.NatGateway(this, "Nat-Gateway-A", {
      allocationId: publicipA.id,
      subnetId: publicSubnetA.id,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-NG-A",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    const natgatewayB = new vpc.NatGateway(this, "Nat-Gateway-B", {
      allocationId: publicipB.id,
      subnetId: publicSubnetB.id,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-NG-B",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    // Create Routing Table For communication Public network with Route and Association route
    const publicroutetable = new vpc.RouteTable(this, "Public-Route-Table", {
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Public-RT",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    new vpc.Route(this, "Route", {
      destinationCidrBlock: "",
      routeTableId: publicroutetable.id,
      gatewayId: internetGatway.id,

    new vpc.RouteTableAssociation(this, "Route-Table-Association-PUB-SUB-A", {
      routeTableId: publicroutetable.id,
      subnetId: publicSubnetA.id,

    new vpc.RouteTableAssociation(this, "Route-Table-Association-PUB-SUB-B", {
      routeTableId: publicroutetable.id,
      subnetId: publicSubnetB.id,

    // Create Routing Table For communication Private network with Route and Association route
    const privateroutetableA = new vpc.RouteTable(this, "Private-Route-Table-A", {
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-Private-RT-A",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    new vpc.Route(this, "Private-Route-A", {
      destinationCidrBlock: "",
      routeTableId: privateroutetableA.id,
      natGatewayId: natgatewayA.id,

    new vpc.RouteTableAssociation(this, "Route-Table-Association-Private-SUB-A", {
      routeTableId: privateroutetableA.id,
      subnetId: privateSubnetA.id,

    const privateroutetableB = new vpc.RouteTable(this, "Private-Route-Table-B", {
      vpcId: newVpc.id,
      tags: {
        Name: "CDKtf-TypeScript-Demo-private-RT-B",
        Team: "DevOps",
        Company: "Your Comapny",

    new vpc.Route(this, "Private-Route-B", {
      destinationCidrBlock: "",
      routeTableId: privateroutetableB.id,
      natGatewayId: natgatewayB.id,

    new vpc.RouteTableAssociation(this, "Route-Table-Association-Private-SUB-B", {
      routeTableId: privateroutetableB.id,
      subnetId: privateSubnetB.id,

    new TerraformOutput(this, "Vpc id", {
      value: newVpc.id,

const app = new App();
new MyStack(app, "cdktf-typescript-aws-vpc");

Compile the TypeScript application


At this step you can run code with two different way:

The first way:

Generate Terraform configuration

cdktf synth

The above command will create a folder called cdktf.out that contains all Terraform JSON configuration that was generated.

Run Terraform commands

cd cdktf.out
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

The second way:

Run cdktf commands

cdktf deploy


AWS vpc configuration with typescript and cdktf


Language:JavaScript 53.3%Language:TypeScript 46.7%