ahlag / grep-sed-awk-magic

Magic tricks using grep, sed and awk

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Magic tricks using grep, sed and awk

grep a tailed file

tail -F ${filename} | grep --line-buffered ${search_term}

remove blank/empty lines from output with grep

cat $file | grep -v ^$

list the name of the files that have matches in grep

find . -name "${target_filetype}" | xargs grep -l ${search_term}

Example: find . -name "*.java" | xargs grep -l hack[y]*

Lists all java files under the current directory that contain the words hack or hacky.

count global number of matches for a given regex with grep

find . -name "${target_filetype}" | grep -o "${regex}" | wc -l

Example: find . -name "*.java" | xargs grep -o "()" | wc -l

Count the total number of methods in your source code

find the column numbers on which a given character occurs in a line with grep

echo ${string} | grep -o . | grep -n ${character_to_search_for} | sed 's/://'

Example: echo "one two three four" | grep -o . | grep -n " " | sed 's/://'

This works because grep -o . is matching 'only' 'any character' and returning all matches on a new line. We then use grep -n ${character_to_search_for} to output the line number of lines that match the character we are searching for.

Display an entire block of text beginning with a given pattern

awk ‘/start_pattern/,/stop_pattern/’ file.txt

Example: Assume we have the following java class

    public class Yolo
        private int x;

        * Constructor for objects of class Yolo
        public Yolo() {
            // initialise instance variables
            x = 0;

        public int sampleMethod(int y) {
            // put your code here
            return x + y;

if we issue the command cat Yolo.java | awk '/public Yolo\(\)/,/^$/' it will output just the text starting from the constructors method signature to the next empty line it finds, thus printing only the constructor.

    public Yolo() {
        // initialise instance variables
        x = 0;

print the last argument with awk

awk '{print $NF}'

Example: find . -name "*.java" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'

Lists just the filenames without paths of all java classes. Find will return a list of the full path to each java file and -F/ tells awk to split the string by / and then print the last argument in the resulting array.

print all columns from the nth to the last with awk

awk '{$1=""; print $0}' somefile

will print all but very first column.

awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}' somefile

will print all but two first columns

match a pattern spanning multiple lines in sed

sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/${find_this}/${replace_with_this}/'

This loads the entire text into the pattern space so the entire input can be matched on instead of just line by line

remove duplicate lines from a file without sorting it

cat file.txt | awk '!x[$0]++'

No idea how this one works but it's twice as fast as sort | uniq


Magic tricks using grep, sed and awk