ahillss / 3d-math-snippets

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Math Snippets


bool intersectPlane(vec3 P,vec3 V,vec4 plane, out float t) {
    float NPd=dot(plane.xyz,P)+plane.w;
    //P not below/on
    if(NPd<=0.0) {
        return false;
    float NV=dot(plane.xyz,V);
    //V not parallel/away
    if(NV>=0.0) {
        return false;
    return true;

bool intersectSphere(vec3 P,vec3 V,vec3 C,float r,out float t) {
    vec3 M=P-C;
    float c=dot(M,M)-r*r;
    //P inside
    if(c<0.0) {
        return false;
    float b=dot(V,M);
    //V away
    if(b > 0.0) {
        return false;
    float d=b*b-c;
    //V towards but misses (no real roots)
    if(d < 0.0) {
        return false;
    return true;

vec3 sphereNormal(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, vec3 c,vec3 colPt) {
    return normalize(colPt-c);

//from physically based rendering, ch 3.1.2, ray-bounds intersections
//from shadertoy.com/view/ld23DV

bool intersectBox(vec3 P,vec3 invV,vec3 bMin,vec3 bMax, out float t,out vec3 nor) {
    vec3 tmin = (bMin - P) * invV;
    vec3 tmax = (bMax - P) * invV;
    vec3 tnear = min(tmin, tmax);
    vec3 tfar = max(tmin, tmax);
    float enter = max(tnear.x, max(tnear.y, tnear.z)); //max(tnear.x, 0.0)
    float exit = min(tfar.x, min(tfar.y, tfar.z));
    nor = -sign(invV)*step(tnear.yzx,tnear)*step(tnear.zxy,tnear);
    return exit > max(enter, 0.0); //exit>0.0 && enter<exit

bool intersectBoxP(vec3 P,vec3 invV,vec3 bMin,vec3 bMax, out float t) {
    vec3 tmin = (bMin - P) * invV;
    vec3 tmax = (bMax - P) * invV;
    vec3 tnear = min(tmin, tmax);
    vec3 tfar = max(tmin, tmax);
    float enter = max(tnear.x, max(tnear.y, tnear.z));
    float exit = min(tfar.x, min(tfar.y, tfar.z));
    return exit > max(enter, 0.0);

bool intersectInvBox(vec3 P,vec3 invV,vec3 bMin,vec3 bMax, out float t,out vec3 nor) {
    vec3 tmin=(bMin-P)*invV;
    vec3 tmax=(bMax-P)*invV;
    vec3 tnear=min(tmin,tmax);
    vec3 tfar=max(tmin,tmax);
    float enter=max(tnear.x,max(tnear.y,tnear.z));
    float exit=min(tfar.x,min(tfar.y,tfar.z));
    vec3 tfarEps=tfar+vec3(1e-4);
    return exit>max(enter,0.0); 

// if(abs(dot(hit,xAxis)-dot(bMin,xAxis))<eps){return -xAxis;}
// if(abs(dot(hit,xAxis)-dot(bMax,xAxis))<eps){return xAxis;}

vec3 boxNormal(vec3 bMin,vec3 bMax, vec3 pt) {
    return normalize(step(abs(pt-bMax),vec3(1e-5))-step(abs(pt-bMin),vec3(1e-5)));

//from book: Physically Based Rendering

bool intersectTriangle(vec3 ro,vec3 rd,vec3 p0,vec3 p1,vec3 p2,out vec2 bcOut,out float tOut) {
    //Compute s1
    vec3 e1 = p1 - p0;
    vec3 e2 = p2 - p0;
    vec3 s1 = cross(rd, e2);
    float divisor = dot(s1, e1);

    if (divisor == 0.0) {
        return false;

    float invDivisor = 1.0 / divisor;
    //Compute first barycentric coordinate
    vec3 d = ro - p0;
    float b1 = dot(d, s1) * invDivisor;
    if(b1 < 0.0 || b1 > 1.0) {
        return false;
    //Compute second barycentric coordinate
    vec3 s2 = cross(d, e1);
    float b2 = dot(rd, s2) * invDivisor;
    if (b2 < 0.0 || b1 + b2 > 1.0) {
        return false;
    //Compute t to intersection point
    float t = dot(e2, s2) * invDivisor;
    tOut = t;
    return true;


float fromBarycentric(float b1,float b2,float a0,float a1,float a2) {
    return (1.0-b1-b2 )*a0+b1*a1+b2*a2;

vec2 fromBarycentric(float b1,float b2,vec2 a0,vec2 a1,vec2 a2) {
    return (1.0-b1-b2 )*a0+b1*a1+b2*a2;

vec3 fromBarycentric(float b1,float b2,vec3 a0,vec3 a1,vec3 a2) {
    return (1.0-b1-b2 )*a0+b1*a1+b2*a2;

vec4 fromBarycentric(float b1,float b2,vec4 a0,vec4 a1,vec4 a2) {
    return (1.0-b1-b2 )*a0+b1*a1+b2*a2;
//from gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/23743

vec3 barycentric(vec3 p, vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c) {
    vec3 v0 = b - a; //
    vec3 v1 = c - a; //
    vec3 v2 = p - a;
    float d00 = dot(v0, v0); //
    float d01 = dot(v0, v1); //
    float d11 = dot(v1, v1); //
    float d20 = dot(v2, v0);
    float d21 = dot(v2, v1);
    float invDenom = 1.0/(d00 * d11 - d01 * d01); //
    float v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) * invDenom;
    float w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) * invDenom;
    float u = 1.0 - v - w;
    return vec3(u,v,w);

distance functions

//from iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm
//Triangle - unsigned - exact

float dot2( in vec3 v ) { return dot(v,v); }
float udTriangle( vec3 p, vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c ) {
    vec3 ba = b - a; vec3 pa = p - a;
    vec3 cb = c - b; vec3 pb = p - b;
    vec3 ac = a - c; vec3 pc = p - c;
    vec3 nor = cross( ba, ac );

    return sqrt(
    (sign(dot(cross(ba,nor),pa)) +
     sign(dot(cross(cb,nor),pb)) +
     min( min(
     dot2(cb*clamp(dot(cb,pb)/dot2(cb),0.0,1.0)-pb) ),
     dot2(ac*clamp(dot(ac,pc)/dot2(ac),0.0,1.0)-pc) )
     dot(nor,pa)*dot(nor,pa)/dot2(nor) );

raytracing main

vec3 render(vec3 ro,vec3 rd,vec2 uv) {
    return vec3(uv,0.5+0.5*sin(iTime));

void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) {
    float fovy=0.7854;
    float aspect=iResolution.x/iResolution.y;    
    vec2 ms=(iMouse.xy==vec2(0.0))?vec2(0.0):(iMouse.xy/iResolution.xy)*2.0-1.0;
    //mat3 viewRot=orbitRot(ms.x*2.0,ms.y*2.0);    
    //vec3 ro=viewRot*vec3(0.0,2.0,35.0);
    //mat3 viewRot=lookRot(ms.x*-3.0,ms.y*1.7);
    //vec3 ro=vec3(0.0,0.0,10.0);
    mat3 viewRot=mat3(1.0);
    vec3 ro=vec3(0.0);
    vec2 uv=fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
    vec2 scr=uv*2.0-1.0;
    vec3 primary=normalize(vec3(scr.x*aspect,scr.y,-1.0/tan(fovy/2.0)));
    vec3 rd=normalize(viewRot*primary);
    vec3 col=render(ro,rd,uv);



mat3 rotateAt(vec3 eye,vec3 at,vec3 up) {
  vec3 z=normalize(eye-at);
  vec3 x=normalize(cross(up,z));
  vec3 y=normalize(cross(z,x));
  return mat3(x,y,z);

mat3 lookRot(float yaw,float pitch) {
    vec2 s=vec2(sin(pitch),sin(yaw));
    vec2 c=vec2(cos(pitch),cos(yaw));
    return mat3(c.y,0.0,-s.y,s.y*s.x,c.x,c.y*s.x,s.y*c.x,-s.x,c.y*c.x);

mat3 orbitRot(float yaw,float pitch) {
    vec2 s=vec2(sin(pitch),sin(yaw));
    vec2 c=vec2(cos(pitch),cos(yaw));
    return mat3(c.y,0.0,-s.y, s.y*s.x,c.x,c.y*s.x, s.y*c.x,-s.x,c.y*c.x);

mat3 rotX(float a) {
    float c=cos(a);
    float s=sin(a);
    return mat3(1.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,c,s, 0.0,-s,c);

mat3 rotY(float a) {
    float c=cos(a);
    float s=sin(a);
    return mat3(c,0.0,-s, 0.0,1.0,0.0, s,0.0,c);

mat3 rotZ(float a) {
    float c=cos(a);
    float s=sin(a);
    return mat3(c,s,0.0, -s,c,0.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0);

//from neilmendoza.com/glsl-rotation-about-an-arbitrary-axis

mat3 rotAxis(vec3 axis,float angle) {
    float s=sin(angle);
    float c=cos(angle);
    float oc=1.0-c;
    vec3 as=axis*s;
    mat3 p=mat3(axis*axis.x,axis*axis.y,axis*axis.z);    
    mat3 q=mat3(c,-as.z,as.y,as.z,c,-as.x,-as.y,as.x,c);
    return p*oc+q;


mat3 rotMatFromNormal(vec3 n,vec3 r) {
    //n=n.zyx*vec3(1.0,1.0,-1.0); //maybe helps if n==r
    vec3 a=normalize(cross(n,r));
    vec3 b=normalize(cross(a,r));
    mat3 m=mat3(a,b,r);
    return m;//for r

procedural textures

//from madebyevan.com/shaders/grid
vec3 checker(vec2 tc,vec3 c0,vec3 c1,float m) {
    vec3 a = (mod((floor(tc.x)+floor(tc.y)),2.0) == 0.0)?c0:c1;
    vec2 grid = abs(fract(tc - 0.5) - 0.5) / 0.05;
    vec3 b=vec3(min(min(grid.x, grid.y)+0.5, 1.0));
    return mix(a,b,m);

//from geeks3d.com/20140201/glsl-menger-sponge-raymarching-code-samples-updated

vec3 floor_color(in vec3 p, float scale,vec3 color0, vec3 color1, vec3 color2) {
  if(fract(p.x)>scale && fract(p.z)>scale) {
    if(mod((floor(p.x)+floor(p.z)),2.0) == 0.0) {
      return color0;
    } else {
      return color1;
  } else {
    return color2;

//from OpenGL Shading Language 2ed

vec3 brickCol(vec3 localPos,vec3 BrickColor,vec3 MortarColor,vec3 BrickSize,vec3 BrickPct) {
    vec3 position=localPos/BrickSize.xyz;


    vec3 useBrick=step(position,BrickPct.xyz);

    //float ns1=noise(mod(localPos,1.0)*150.0);
    //float ns2=noise(mod(localPos,1.0)*100.0)*0.1;
    return mix(MortarColor,BrickColor,useBrick.x*useBrick.y*useBrick.z);


vec3 checkerCol(vec3 texc, vec3 color0, vec3 color1) {
    float q=clamp(mod(dot(floor(texc),vec3(1.0)),2.0),0.0,1.0);
    return color1*q+color0*(1.0-q);

//from shadertoy.com/view/XdfGzS

float calcFlare(vec3 ro,vec3 rd,vec3 lightPos,float size) {
    vec3 viewLightDir=normalize(lightPos-ro);
    float viewLightDist=length(lightPos-ro);
    float q = dot(rd,viewLightDir)*0.5+0.5;
    float o = (1.0/viewLightDist)*size;
    return clamp(pow(q,900.0/o)*1.0,0.0,2.0);

//from mzucker.github.io/2016/08/03/miniray.html

vec3 calcSky(vec3 d) {
    vec3 c=vec3(0.6,0.6,1.0)*pow(1.0-d.y*0.95,3.0);//top
    return c;

texture mapping

//from github.com/tunabrain/tungsten/blob/master/src/core/primitives/Skydome.cpp
// use linear for texture mag/min filters

vec2 dirToDomeUv(vec3 d) {
    //float sinTheta=sqrt(max(1.0-d.y*d.y,0.0));
    vec2 uv=vec2(atan2(d.z,d.x)/(2.0*PI)+0.5,acos(-d.y)/PI);
    //uv.y=uv.y*2.0-1.0; //when texture lacks below horizon
    return uv;

vec3 domeUvToDir(vec2 uv) {
    float phi=(uv.x-0.5)*2.0*PI;
    float theta=uv.y*PI;
    sinTheta =sin(theta);
    return vec3(cos(phi)*sinTheta,-cos(theta),sin(phi)*sinTheta);

vec2 genTexCoords(vec3 pt,vec3 nor,mat3 m) {
    return (m*(pt-nor*dot(pt,nor))).xy*0.1;


//from unknown

float rand(vec2 coordinate) {
    return fract(sin(dot(coordinate.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);

//from unknown

vec2 rand2(vec2 co){
    vec2 r;
    return r;


vec3 calcPtLightCol(vec3 P,vec3 N,vec3 lPos,vec3 lAtten,vec3 mCol,vec3 lCol,float shininess,float strength) {
    vec3 L=lPos.xyz-P;
    float lDist=length(L);
    float atten = 1.0/dot(lAtten,vec3(1.0,lDist,lDist*lDist));
    vec3 R=reflect(-L,N);
    float NdotL = max(0.0,dot(N,L));
    float NdotR = max(0.0, dot(N,R));
    float spec = (NdotL > 0.0)?pow(NdotR,shininess*128.0)*strength:0.0;
    float diffuse=NdotL;
    return lCol*(mCol*diffuse+spec)*atten;

//float spotCos=dot(L,-spotDir);
//from blender

I = E * (D / (D + L * r))
I = E * (D / (D + L * r)) * (D*D / (D*D + Q * r*r))
I is the calculated Intensity of light.
E is the current Energy slider setting.
D is the current setting of the Dist field.
L is the current setting of the Linear slider.
Q is the current setting of the Quad slider.
r is the distance from the lamp where the light intensity gets measured.

Inverse Square: Linear to 0.0 and Quad to 1.0),

Inverse Linear: Linear to 1.0 and Quad to 0.0. 


float lerp(float x,float y,float a) {
    return x*(1.0-a)+y*a;

float clamp(float x,float minVal,float maxVal) {
    return min(max(x, minVal), maxVal);

float smoothstep(float edge0,float edge1,float x) {
    float t=clamp((x-edge0)/(edge1-edge0), 0.0,1.0);
    return t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);

float smooth_keyframe(float time,float frame0,float frame1,float val0,float val1) {
    float f=(time-frame0)/(frame1-frame0);
    return lerp(val0,val1,smoothStep(0.0,1.0,f));


//rounded square

//4 dots

//4 circles


mat4 frustum(float left,float right,float bottom,float top,float zNear,float zFar) {
    mat4 m=mat4(0.0);
    return m;

mat4 perspective_fovy(float fovy,float aspect,float zNear,float zFar) {
    float top=tan(fovy/2.0)*zNear;
    float right=top*aspect;
    return frustum(-right,right,-top,top,zNear,zFar);

mat4 ortho(float left,float right,float bottom,float top,float zNear,float zFar) { 
    mat4 m=mat4(1.0);
    return m;


mat4 ortho2d(float left,float right,float bottom,float top) {
    return ortho(left,right,bottom,top,-1.0,1.0);


mat4 frustum_infinite(float left,float right,float bottom,float top,float zNear) {
    float ep=2.4e-7;
    mat4 m=mat4(0.0);
    return m;

float posToNdcDepth(float zpos,float zNear,float zFar) {
    float p22=zFar+zNear,p32=2.0*zFar*zNear; //perspective
    //float p22=2.0, p32=zNear-zFar; //ortho

    float clipZ=(zpos*p22+p32)/(zNear-zFar);
    float clipW=-zpos;
    float ndcZ = clipZ/clipW;

    return ndcZ;

float ndcToDepth(float ndcZ,float nearRange,float farRange) {
    return ((farRange-nearRange)*ndcZ + nearRange+farRange)/2.0;

vec3 depthToPos(mat4 invProjMat,vec2 scr,float depth) {
    vec3 ndcPos=vec3(scr,depth)*2.0-1.0; //the depth*2-1 for ndcToDepth(ndcZ,0,1)
    vec4 D=invProjMat*vec4(ndcPos,1.0);
    return D.xyz/D.w;

float linearDepth(float depth,float zNear,float zFar) {
    return (2.0*zNear)/(zFar+zNear-depth*(zFar-zNear));
//from glm

vec2 project(vec3 worldPos, mat4 viewProjMat, vec4 viewport) {
    vec4 tmp=viewProjMat*vec4(worldPos,1.0);
    return ((tmp.xy/tmp.w)*0.5+0.5)*viewport.zw+viewport.xy;

vec3 unproject(vec2 screenPos, mat4 invViewProjMat, vec4 viewport) {
    vec4 obj = invViewProjMat*(((screenPos-viewport.xy)/viewport.zw)*2.0-1.0,0.0,1.0);
    return obj.xyz/obj.w;


ver 1

//from gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/26789

vec2 jitter(vec2 offset, float d) {
    for(int i=0;i<32;i++) {

        if((offset.x*offset.y)>(d*d)) {

    return offset;

vec2 offset=fragCoord.xy;

vec3 rf=normalize(reflect(rd,n));

mat3 rfmat=rotMatFromNormal(n,rf);

vec3 jj=normalize(rfmat*vec3(offset.x,offset.y,1.0));

ver 2

float drefl=material->diffuseRefl;
float xoffs, yoffs;

do {

} while((xoffs*xoffs+yoffs*yoffs)>(drefl*drefl));

vec3 Ra=RN1*xoffs;
vec3 Rb=RN2*yoffs*drefl;
vec3 R=normalize(reflectVec+Ra+Rb);

ver 3

do {
    x = 2.0*rand()-1.0;
    y = 2.0*rand()-1.0;
} while ( x*x+y*y > 1.0 );

r = tan(theta); //theta is max angle from the z axis (cone's width is 2*theta)
Vector v(r*x, r*y, 1);


vec3 orthog(vec3 a,vec3 b) {
    return normalize(a-b*dot(b,a)); //orthoganize a

float calcVecAngle(vec3 v0,vec3 v1) {
    float l=length(v0)*length(v1);
    float d=dot(v0,v1);
    return acos(d/l);


#define PI 3.14159265359

//from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2#Definition_and_computation

float atan2(float y,float x) {  
    if(x>0.0) {
        return atan(y/x);
    } else if(y>0.0) {
        return PI/2.0-atan(x/y);
    } else if(y<0.0) {
        return -PI/2.0 -atan(x/y);
    } else if(x<0.0) {
        return atan(y/x)+PI;

    return 0.0;

vec4 planeFromPtNor(vec3 pt, vec3 n) {
    return vec4(n,-dot(pt,n));

vec4 planeFromTri(vec3 pt0, vec3 pt1, vec3 pt2) {
    vec3 n=normalize(cross(p1-pt0,pt2-pt0));
    return planeFromPtNor(pt0, n);

//from stackoverflow.com/questions/3120357/get-closest-point-to-a-line#9557244


vec3 closestPointOnLine(vec3 p0, vec3 p1, vec3 X) {
    vec3 e0 = p1 - p0; 
    vec3 e1 = X - p0;
    float d = dot(e1, e0) / (len(e0) * len(e0));
    // return (d < 0.0) ? p0 : ((d > 1.0) ? p1 : p0 + e0 * d);
    return (d > 1.0) ? p1 : p0 + e0 * max(0.0,d);

//from lighthouse3d.com/tutorials/view-frustum-culling/geometric-approach-testing-boxes-ii/


int boxInFrustum(vec4 frustum[6], vec3 bmin, vec3 bmax) {
    int r=2; //inside

    for(int i=0;i<6;i++) {
        vec3 n=frustum[i].xyz*-1.0;
        vec3 bp,bn;
        bp.x= (n.x<0.0)?bmin.x:bmax.x;
        bp.y= (n.y<0.0)?bmin.y:bmax.y;
        bp.z= (n.z<0.0)?bmin.z:bmax.z;
        bn.x= (n.x<0.0)?bmax.x:bmin.x;
        bn.y= (n.y<0.0)?bmax.y:bmin.y;
        bn.z= (n.z<0.0)?bmax.z:bmin.z;
        if (dot(n,bp)+frustum[i].w < 0.0) {
            return 0; //outside
        } else if (dot(n,bn)+frustum[i].w < 0.0) { // <= ?
            r=1; //intersect
    return r;

integer math

//from stackoverflow.com/questions/2422712

uint div_round(uint x,uint d) {
    return (x+d/2)/d;
