ahhhh6980 / fracgen_gui_3d

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To build:

  • install rust
  • rustup default nightly
  • cargo run --release --all-features

My WIP little inefficient and ok DE fractal ray tracer (could be better ofc lol)

This was not designed to be perfectly user friendly but just for me to play around with


You need a controller to move around

There are 2 movement modes

Using left joystick:

  • (DEFAULT) 1: Relative camera move

    • up/down: move in direction of camera forward vector
    • left/right: pan left/right from camera left/right
  • 2: relative viewport

    • up/down: move in direction of camera up vector
    • left/right: move in direction of camera left/right

Using Right joystick:

  • (DEFAULT) 1: Relative camera look

    • up/down, rotate around axis of camera left (down literally points down relative to the actual viewport view :3)
    • left/right, rotate around axis of camera up (right literally points right relative to the actual viewport view :3)
  • 2: Relative viewport

    • up/down, same as above
    • left/right: rotate around the camera forward axis (literally rotates relative to the viewport view, so you can rotate the * picture)

Some info about input grid:

If you see 0.22|0.001|119.45|4.98|0.1|0.03|8|10|1.7|1|6|13.77|1.31|-2.52|-0.7|0|2.5|4.5|5|12.6|-8|1|1|1|2401.15|12800|-5|1|1|3.72|1|1|10|60|1|1|1|-500|0|0|1.01|1|1|0.987|1|1|0|2|1.98|0.9|2|0.25|3|2.25|49.81|1.62|0.55|-2.7|3.45|2|2|2|600|1201.66| at the end of your txt generated in your output folder, those are your input grid params!

all you have to do is copy just that line, paste it into that text box below the input grid, and then hit "Accept" :3

I will refer to these with the in-program notation:

r4[0] refers to the FIRST ELEMENT in the FOURTH ROW

r0[0] - r0[2] This refers to the range of the elements from 0 to 2 of the first row

r0[1] - r2[1] This refers to the range from 0 to 3 of the first three rows, the second element


  • r7[0] - r7[2] : LIGHT POSITION


  • r0[4] : AO BRIGHTNESS (GUH?)

  • r0[5] : AO SCALE

  • r0[6] : AO STEPS


  • r5[5] : Camera Depth Of Field

  • r5[6] : Camera Aperature

    • Keep this at 0 for none, you need a TON of samples for smoothness, sorry :(
  • r0[7] : Focal Distance


  • r1[3] : Color Scale

  • r1[4] : Color Exponent

  • r1[5]-r1[6]-r1[7] : Color hue adjustments, you probably want to change r1[7]


Wtf is wrong with the output?

Please disable the two checkmarks which signify the KEEP RATIO, theyre really buggy


You ALSO need to ensure the output split grid size is some multiple of your output dimensions


SOMETIMES, it messes up and a change in your viewport ratio will lead to a change in the export ratio, and you'll need to re-enter the export ratio :(


Here you can see S: X: Y: Y%: VP_samples/p: X/Y CHUNKS

  • S: Samples per pass that the GPU does, keep this low to free up resource and not slow down your pc


  • X & Y: The GPU splits up the rendering into smaller chunks, these are the dimensions of each of those chunks. If you see decimals on X/Y CHUNKS, please update it to a whole integer divisor or you will experience issues :(


  • Y%: How many chunks to render in a row before the GPU stops for a tiny tiny bit of time (its not a wait, its just moving data from the buffer and then continuing, it can help with system instability during intense rendering IG, but I'm sure as **** no expert on GPU's yet hahaha)


  • VP_samples/p: Samples rendered per pass in viewport


  • X/Y CHUNKS: Calculates expected chunks from input X/Y from above



  • Questions?


What about SPEED?

There are speed adjustments in the axis tab

  • You can also hold down the left trigger to slow down the movement

  • You can also hold down the right trigger to slow down the camera rotations


How do I make a fractal?

  • You need to program it in within the KERNEL tab, please be careful with loops, I am not responsible for system crashes

  • I have yet to document what the absolute F the input grid does, that is a LOT of work, coming soon (tm)


Whats wrong with the shading?

Sometimes the rendering glitches out, fix your iter count or something lol


Why does it crash with inputs?

I need to go back over EVERY single input box and add in more checks to prevent it from panicing

  • A tedious thing to do atm, I havent had much of a problem


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 100.0%