ahetawal-p / HealthyTimes

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Healthy Times

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Healthy Times is a native Android app where users can browse through articles provided by the NYTimes Article Search Api. The article content is specifically targetted towards "Health" and "WellBeing" topics.


  • User is able to scroll through NYTimes "health" related content articles (My Health feed).
  • The feed list is infinite scrollable so no shoratge of content while viewing !
  • User can tap into any article on the Feed to view the complete article content on the NYTimes website.
  • User can share an article link with others.
  • App provides ability to bookmark/favorite articles links, for later reading.
  • Readling list is persisted after app restarts.
  • Reading list gets updated dynamically, as soon as user favorites or unfavorites an article.

API Details

https://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?fl=docs,headline,multimedia,abstract,web_url,_id,meta&fq=headline:("Health" "Healthy" "Exercise" "Diet")&page=1&sort=newest&api-key=xxxxxxx




Healthy Times uses Android Jetpack libraries for its functioning. Below are some of the major architecture components used:

  • Single Activity Architecture using Navigation Library
  • Follows MVVM pattern for data flow using ViewModels
  • Dagger for dependency injection
  • Room DB for persistence
  • Kotlin Coroutines (Flow and Async) for async processing and data fetching
  • Retrofit for Networking
  • Material Components
  • Clean Architecture for overall code structure
  • Using Clean Architecture testing becomes very focussed for each layer ie. UI, Data and Domain.

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Language:Kotlin 99.4%Language:Java 0.6%