aharley / neural_3d_mapping

Learning from Unlabelled Videos using Contrastive Predictive Neural 3D Mapping

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Learning from Unlabelled Videos using Contrastive Predictive Neural 3D Mapping

This is a clean copy of our ICLR paper's code and results. Feel free to email me at aharley@cmu.edu or open an issue if you need help with anything.


Install pytorch, tensorflow, scikit-image, and opencv. These commands work on AWS:

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow moviepy scikit-image
pip install opencv-python
pip install connected-components-3d

To make tensorboard work with pytorch, install tensorboardX:

git clone https://github.com/zuoym15/tensorboardX
cd tensorboardX
python setup.py install
cd ..

Quick start

Run one of the bash files, to run a particular mode of the repo. For example try,


Then, the following should happen:

  • the bash file will set a temporary environment variable indicating the mode to run, e.g., CARLA_EGO
  • hyperparams.py will set the default hyperaparameters;
  • exp_carla_ego.py will overwrite the defaults; (edit this exp file to try different hyperparameter settings;)
  • hyperparams.py will automatically generate a name for the experiment;
  • main.py will create a logging directory
  • model_carla_ego.py will call backend/inputs.py to load some data, then process it, then call the appropriate nets/, collect loss, and apply gradients.

If things go well, the code will just tell you that you are missing a dataset.


Download sample_dataset.tar.gz (2.0 G) from this google drive link.

Un-tar it: tar -xvf sample_dataset.tar.gz. You should get a datasets folder; you may move this somewhere else, if you like.

Navigate into your datasets folder and run gen_traj_trainval.sh to generate .txt files. Here is my output:

aharley@matrix:~/neural_3d_mapping/datasets$ ./gen_traj_trainval.sh
searching for traj_aq_s100_i2
45 taqs100i2a.txt
25 taqs100i2t.txt
20 taqs100i2v.txt
25 taqs100i2hun.txt
10 taqs100i2ten.txt
1 taqs100i2one.txt

The suffixes here mean the following:

  • t: training
  • v: validation
  • a: all (training + validation)
  • hun: 100 training samples
  • ten: 10 training samples
  • one: 1 training sample (for debugging)

The rest of the name (taqs100i2) is a code for the data type/version/contents; you can safely ignore this, or even change it.

Edit your exp file to indicate the location of the data: dataset_location = "~/datasets"

This should be the folder that contains the .sh file, .txt files and the folder of npzs.

Now, you should be able to retry the bash runner (carla_ego_go.sh) and see some results.


The code has these main parts:

  • model_*.py: These files do most of the interesting work: they prepare the input tensors, call the networks, accumulate loss, and take gradient steps.
  • exp_*.py: These files specify experiments settings, like what networks to run and what coefficients to use on the losses. There are more instructions on this below.
  • nets/: These are all of the neural networks. The backbone for most 3D tasks is feat3dnet.
  • archs/: These are various 2D and 3D CNN architectures.
  • utils/: These files handle all the operations for which torch does not have native equivalents. Of particular interest here is utils/geom.py and utils/vox.py, for the geometry and voxel-related functions.
  • backend/: These files handle boring tasks like saving/loading checkpoints, and reading/batching data from the disk.

Tensor shapes

We maintain consistent axis ordering across all tensors. In general, the ordering is B x S x C x Z x Y x X, where

  • B: batch
  • S: sequence (for temporal or multiview data)
  • C: channels
  • Z: depth
  • Y: height
  • X: width

This ordering stands even if a tensor is missing some dims. For example, plain images are B x C x Y x X (as is the pytorch standard).

Axis directions

  • Z: forward
  • Y: down
  • X: right

Geometry conventions

We write pointclouds/tensors and transformations as follows:

  • p_a is a point named p living in a coordinates.
  • a_T_b is a transformation that takes points from coordinate system b to coordinate system a.

For example, p_a = a_T_b * p_b.

This convention lets us easily keep track of valid transformations, such as point_a = a_T_b * b_T_c * c_T_d * point_d.

For example, an intrinsics matrix is pix_T_cam. An extrinsics matrix is cam_T_world.

In this project's context, we often need something like this: xyz_cam0 = cam0_T_cam1 * cam1_T_velodyne * xyz_velodyne


Experiment settings are defined hierarchically. Here is the hierarchy:

  • experiments
    • an experiment is a list of groups
  • groups
    • a group is a list of hyperparameter settings
  • hyperparameter settings
    • a hyperparameter setting is, for example, occ_smooth_coeff = 0.1
  • mods
    • a mod marks a temporary change in the code. For example, if you change the code so that it only trains on frame15, you might write mod = "frame15only". A mod should not last long in the code; it should either be undone or upgraded to a hyperparameter.

Experiments and groups are defined in exp_whatever.py. The whatever depends on the mode. Hyperparameters (and their default settings) are defined in hyperparams.py.


The names of directories for checkpoints and logs are generated automatically, based on the current hyperparameters and the current mod. For example, an automatically generated name looks like this:


To see how the names are generated (and to learn the shorthand for decoding them), see the bottom half of hyperparams.py. This particular name indicates: batch size 2, sequence length 2, resolution 128x32x128, learning rate 0.0001, feat3dnet with feature dim 32, egonet with 2 scales and 11 rotations and a 2x1x2 voxel search region across 4 degrees, with a coefficient of 1.0 on each of its losses, running on the dataset taqs100i2t, with mod eg20 (which should be defined manually in the exp file).

Designing and running experiments

To run an experiment that has already been defined:

  1. In exp_whatever.py, set the current variable to choose the current experiment. For example, set current = 'emb_trainer'.
  2. If you want to mark something special about the experiment, set the mod variable, such as mod = "special"'
  3. Execute the runner whatever_go.sh

To define a new experiment, either edit an existing group in exp_whatever.py, or create a new group. Inside the group, set all the hyperparameters you want.


Learning from Unlabelled Videos using Contrastive Predictive Neural 3D Mapping


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%