aha009 / WeChatGame

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

如果觉得代码库太大,可以参考我以前写的表达式分析算法的文章 https://blog.csdn.net/jiexiaopei_2004/article/details/41546673

include Binding.js

support type : number,bool,string,var

support operate : + - * / % ! << >> >>> > < >= <= == === !== != & ~ ^ | && || ?: ()


  1. simple expr
console.log(binding.eval("(1 + 2) * 4 / 2")); //console 6
  1. expr with var
var v0 = 3;
console.log(binding.eval("$0 * 4",[v0])); //console 12
  1. expr with var and function
var v0 = 3;
var v1 = 6;
console.log(binding.eval("Math.sqrt($0 * 3 * $1 * 6)",[v0,v1])); //console 18
  1. expr with var and self-define function
var v0 = 9;
var addFunction = function(a,b) {
    return a + b;
console.log(binding.eval("add(Math.sqrt($0), 2)",[v0],{add:addFunction})); //console 5
  1. 3 op expr
console.log(binding.eval("3 > 2 ? true : false")); //console true

when this project receive 100 star,i will support define var in the script, and so on.
