agrippa1994 / vacation-planner

Vacation Planner (university project)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vacation Planner Build Status


This is a simple vacation planner based on NodeJS and the Ionic framework.



  • Map
  • Cashbox
  • Notes

Requirements by the professor

Topic-E "Vacation-App"
    You intend to plan a journey with friends. You need to keep all data together and you want access it from everywhere (travel partner, timetable, emails, booking information, money keeping)

    Your app manages the journey, track information and provide information to all participants. Handle the money (with a common holiday cash  box).

    Managing information
    Managing money in 2 currencies
    and more - define in advance

Initial Setup

  • Install NodeJS and NPM
  • Install Ionic with npm
    npm install -g ionic

Development Guide

Installing Dependencies

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory
  • Execute npm install. This installs the dependencies for the client and the server

Starting the Server

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory
  • Execute npm run server

Starting the Client

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory
  • Execute npm run client

Executing All Tests

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory
  • Execute npm test

Create Documentation

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the client directory
  • Execute npm run compodoc to generate the documentation


Client-Side Testing

Automatic UI Testing

The automatic UI tests are located in the client/e2e/src directory. Each .e2e-spec.ts file represents one UI test that consists of several test suites and test cases. The .po.ts file represents Page Objects. Each Page Object encapsulates all operation that can be triggered on a page. However, use these Page Objects in the tests and do not access UI elements by css or id selectors.

Executing Automatic UI Tests
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the client directory. Execute npm run e2e in this directory.

This command downloads the Chrome Driver and runs all .e2e-spec.ts files. The test starts the browser and communicates with the browser via the Chrome Driver.


Documentation is available on GitHub, please check the GitHub Page.

Server API


notes object:

    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": "2019-06-22 16:31:41",
    "username": "John Doe",
    "note": "HI"
Method Url Action
GET /api/notes Returns all notes
POST /api/notes Add new Note
DELETE /api/notes/{id} Delete the note with the given id
PUT /api/notes/{id} Update the note with the given id


    "username": "Kim",
    "position": {
        "timestamp": 1560872013306,
        "coords": {
            "longitude": 39.021724,
            "latitude": 125.743610
Method Url Action
GET /api/positions Returns all positions
POST /api/position Add new positions


invoice object:

    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": "2019-06-22 09:36:39",
    "title": "Invoice 1",
    "cost": 12.34,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "description": "describing describtion"


Method Url Action
GET /api/cashbox Returns all Invoices
GET /api/cashbox/id/{id} Returns all Invoices
POST /api/cashbox Add new Invoice
DELETE /api/cashbox/{id} Delete the Invoice with the given id
PUT /api/cashbox/{id} Update the Invoice with the given id

Sums and Exchange Rates

Method Url Action
GET /api/cashbox/sum/{currency} Returns the sum of the costs of all invoices converted to the given currency (default EUR)
GET /api/cashbox/converted/{currency} Returns all Invoices with the costs converted to the given currency

Progressive Web App

The last step was to turn the application into a progressive web app. (=PWA), to add mobile devices and offline support. The first step was to create manifest.json file and add this and other infos in the index.html file. This manifest inculudes information about the app. (name, color, icons). The service worker (sw.js) supports the offline functionality.


A big problem was the compatibility between the internet-guides and our angular application, because if you use angular you must also extend the angular.json file. If you don't extend this file you will get errors. (404, fetching errors). So you must add this do your angular configuration file:

"src/manifest.json", "src/sw.js"

In newer angular versions it is also possible to create the manifest.json automatically with the command ng add @angular/pwa. ( It is also possible to add the service worker in the index.html file. (commented out)


The main affort includes researches, reading guides and turn the current angular/ionic application in a PWA. (extend and add files, search errors)


Vacation Planner (university project)

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 61.0%Language:JavaScript 23.5%Language:HTML 9.7%Language:SCSS 4.4%Language:Roff 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%Language:Batchfile 0.2%