agrc / geocode-job

The process for comparing vista data with agrc addresses data in the google cloud

Repository from Github https://github.comagrc/geocode-jobRepository from Github https://github.comagrc/geocode-job


Create a containerized python geocoding script as a kubernetes job.

Steps to run

  1. Prepare data
    1. Run
      • Pulls data from VISTA
      • Partions the data into multiple CSVs
  2. Create k8s job yaml specifications
    1. Run
  3. Apply seceret for service worker with cloud storage permissions to k8s cluster
    1. authorize kubectl with geocoding api cluster
    2. run kubectl apply -f .secrets/gcs-secret.yml
      • Service account key must first be base64 encoded into gcs-secret.yml
  4. Apply job yamls to cluster
    1. run kubectl apply -f job.yaml
  5. Download geocoded CSVs from cloud storage

Steps to build

  1. Build container from docker file
    1. docker build . -t {container name}
    2. docker tag {container name}:latest{project id}/webapi/{container name}:latest
  2. Push to registery
    1. docker push{project id}/webapi/{container name}:latest
    2. User needs project permissions to allow push to gcr


The process for comparing vista data with agrc addresses data in the google cloud


Language:Python 95.7%Language:HTML 3.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%