Aaron Reich (agr505)


Geek Repo

Company:Alpine Health Systems | Georgia Institute of Technology

Location:Atlanta, GA

Home Page:https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-reich-10861610b/

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Aaron Reich's repositories


Developed a Windows Forms Application to transfer data from any Excel file to a SQL database. Utilizing SQL Command objects, any Excel file's data can be transferred once the various data types have been specified. Will send message for user to complete the application's first tab if database has not been specified or does not exist. Tools Used: C#, Transact-SQL, .NET (including SQL Client and MS Office Interop Frameworks), MS Visual Studio 2015, SQL Server Management Studio 2008



A Windows Form Application that utilizes a MySQL database for obtaining and storing flight information. There is five database tables: Flights, Airline, Arrive, Departs, and Airport. They have important relationships to each other and embody normalization concepts. The application itself creates queries based on the specific criteria the user enters. This project was created by a partner and myself for my Applied Database Systems (COP4703) elective course. Tools Used: C#/.NET (including MySqlClient Frameworks), SQL, MySQL Workbench, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015



Created custom SharePoint Add-in for the viewing of the Distribution team's completed tasks. Custom Column types for the months the task was completed in was added to the SharePoint List. Wrote JavaScript for the custom rendering of the completed task columns dependent on the current date. Tools Used: JavaScript, XML, SharePoint Office 365 Online, MS Visual Studio



Developed a Windows Forms Application to transfer data from various Excel files of different formats holding company data to a SQL Server database. Created tables in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and mapped them in the application using LINQ for native data querying. Will send message for user if authentication for using the database has failed. Tools Used: C#, Transact-SQL, .NET (including LINQ and MS Office Interop Frameworks), MS Visual Studio 2015, SQL Server Management Studio 2008



A Java Swing Application allowing sellers to post real estate listings and customers to browse listings and add properties they are interested in to their favorites. Customers can also submit their contact information to the seller if they are interested in buying the property. This application utilizes a rich MVC architecture along with utilizing the Strategy design pattern to create the Property Desciption Page based on the customers actions and recreate the page in real time. This application utilizes serialization for persistence. The application also uses the Observer and Iterator design patterns. This project was created by myself and two other partners for my Object Oriented Design and Programming elective course (COP4331). The design for the application includes Use Cases, CRC diagram, UML Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and State diagrams. Tools Used: Java and Java Swing Framework, NetBeans



A web application to store account information and an account avatar for any commercial or non- commercial network. Users can create profiles, log-in, upload an avatar, search for other profiles, make blog posts, and log-out. Tools Used: Node.JS, Express.JS, MongoDB, Webstorm, and Handlebars



This is a Universal Windows App that is for playing the Castle/Karma card game. I am still developing it. Tools Used: C#, XAML, MS Visual Studio 2015, Xamarin



Created and analyzed a machine learning project for determining if an image is a picture of a dog or of a cat. 1,170 images from the Kaggle data set were used for feature selection performed by a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network to create a Cosine K-Nearest Neighbor classifier and a Cubic Support Vector Machine classifier. 25,000 images were then used for a second feature selection to create another Cubic Support Vector Machine since it was the better performing classifier. The entire machine learning workflow was performed including partitioning the data, feature selection, classifier selection, training, cross-validation and testing. The MATLAB Classification Learner App was used to help create the classifiers. This project was performed by two partners and myself for my Introduction to Artificial Intelligence elective course (CAP4630).



Project Virtual Presentation: https://youtu.be/1en09nNk88g

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


A Survey on Named Entity Recognition Methods Across Domain-specific Applications



This is my repository for Object-Oriented Design and Programming (COP 4331) homework.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Converts postfix expressions to infix by utilizing a stack while checking that the correct ratio of operators to operands is inputed, Tools Used: C++, Microsoft Visual Studio 2013



Implemented Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap-Sort algorithms and computed and graphed the running times for each algorithm with various input sizes and compared them to the theoretical running times using O-notation. This project was for my Design and Analysis of Algorithms course (COT4400).



A program for maintaining a video game store's inventory. It includes functionality allowing for the addition of new games, viewing of the inventory, modification of a game's details, deletion of games, clearing of the entire inventory, and saving an inventory to a text file. Tools Used: C, Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010
