agorf / femto

A toy text editor with no dependencies written in Ruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A minimal text editor written for fun in plain Ruby with no dependencies.


I wrote it from memory after watching the relevant screencast by Gary Bernhardt. It supports:

  • Quitting
  • Moving the cursor up/down/right/left
  • Deleting the character before the cursor, like backspace
  • Breaking a line (Enter)
  • Undoing!

Additional functionality

The following are also implemented (not covered in the screencast):

  • Flicker-free screen
  • Ignoring non-printable characters
  • Creating a file if it doesn't exist (not just editing)
  • Saving
  • Redoing!
  • Moving left at the beginning of a line causes the cursor to jump to the end of the previous line
  • Moving right at the end of a line causes the cursor to jump to the beginning of the next line
  • Moving the cursor to the beginning of the line
  • Moving the cursor to the end of the line
  • Deleting the character before the cursor at the beginning of a line joins lines
  • Deleting the character at the cursor, like delete
  • Deleting the character at the cursor when at the end of a line joins lines
  • Deleting the line text before the cursor
  • Deleting the line text after (and including) the cursor
  • Support for arrow, Backspace, Delete, Home and End keys


./femto.rb myfile.txt

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Ctrl-Q quits
  • Ctrl-S saves
  • Ctrl-P (previous), or the Up arrow key, moves the cursor up
  • Ctrl-N (next), or the Down arrow key, moves the cursor down
  • Ctrl-F (forward), or the Right arrow key, moves the cursor right
  • Ctrl-B (backward), or the Left arrow key, moves the cursor left
  • Ctrl-A or Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
  • Ctrl-E or End moves the cursor to the end of the line
  • Ctrl-H or Backspace deletes the previous character
  • Ctrl-D or Delete deletes the current character
  • Ctrl-U deletes the line text before the cursor
  • Ctrl-K deletes the line text after (and including) the cursor
  • Ctrl-- undoes the last change
  • Ctrl-R redoes the last change


  • Tests
  • Scroll-buffer


This is an experimental program. Do NOT use it to edit files that you don't want to lose/damage.


The Unlicense


Angelos Orfanakos,


A toy text editor with no dependencies written in Ruby

License:The Unlicense


Language:Ruby 100.0%