agmcleod / ah-sequelize-plugin

sequelize plugin for actionhero

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




This plugin connects Sequelize and Actionhero. It handles running migrations and connecting your models. Under the hood, we use sequelize-typescript and Uzmug


  • Versions 2.0.0+ of this package are only compatible with Actionhero versions 21.0.0+.
  • Versions 1.0.0+ of this package are only compatible with Actionhero versions 18.0.0+.

For versions compatible with ActionHero versions prior to 21.0.0, use version 1.x.x. For versions compatible with ActionHero versions prior to 18.0.0, use version 0.9.x.


  1. Install this plugin: npm install ah-sequelize-plugin --save
  2. Add sequelize packages: npm install sequelize sequelize-typescript --save
  3. Add types and reflexive addons: npm install @types/bluebird @types/validator reflect-metadata --save
  4. Add plugin to your project's ./src/config/plugins.ts:
import * as path from "path";

export const DEFAULT = {
  plugins: () => {
    return {
      "ah-sequelize-plugin": {
        path: path.join(process.cwd(), "node_modules", "ah-sequelize-plugin")
  1. Add experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata to your Typescript tsconfig.json file:
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "allowJs": true,
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es2018",
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
  "include": ["./src/**/*"]

Add supported database packages

  • MySQL: npm install mysql2 --save
  • SQLite: npm install sqlite3 --save
  • Postgres: npm install --save pg pg-hstore
  • MSSql: npm install --save tedious

For additional information on supported databases visit the Sequelize Docs.

Install optional dependencies

  • For Sequelize CLI: npm install --save-dev sequelize-cli


A ./src/config/sequelize.js will need to be created for your project. The example below will parse the Environment variable DATABASE_URL for a postgres database, however you can configure your connection in many ways. You can connect to DB pools, configure read/write splitting and more with Sequelize options.

const { URL } = require('url')
const path = require('path')

const DEFAULT = {
  sequelize: config => {
    let dialect = "postgres";
    let host = "";
    let port = "5432";
    let database = "actionhero";
    let username = undefined;
    let password = undefined;

    // if your environment provides database information via a single JDBC-style URL like mysql://username:password@hostname:port/default_schema
    if (process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
      const parsed = new URL(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
      if (parsed.username) {
        username = parsed.username;
      if (parsed.password) {
        password = parsed.password;
      if (parsed.hostname) {
        host = parsed.hostname;
      if (parsed.port) {
        port = parsed.port;
      if (parsed.pathname) {
        database = parsed.pathname.substring(1);

    return {
      autoMigrate: true,
      logging: false,
      dialect: dialect,
      port: parseInt(port),
      database: database,
      host: host,
      username: username,
      password: password,
      models: [path.join(__dirname, "..", "models")],
      migrations: [path.join(__dirname, "..", "migrations")]

module.exports.DEFAULT = DEFAULT;

// for the sequelize CLI tool
module.exports.development = DEFAULT.sequelize({
  env: "development",
  process: { env: "development" }

module.exports.staging = DEFAULT.sequelize({
  env: "staging",
  process: { env: "staging" }

module.exports.production = DEFAULT.sequelize({
  env: "production",
  process: { env: "production" }

Configuring sequelize-cli

If you installed the CLI in the last step, you'll want to do the following to finish setting it up:

Create a file .sequelizerc in the root of your project. It should contain:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  'config': path.resolve('.', 'sequelize.js'),
  'models-path': path.resolve('src', 'models'),
  'seeders-path': path.resolve('src', 'seeders'),
  'migrations-path': path.resolve('src', 'migrations')

This tells the sequelize-cli where to find your migration files, models, etc. The values here assume you are using the default configuration.

In the root folder create a file called sequelize.js, and add the following contents

const sequelizeConfig = require('./src/config/sequelize.js')

const sequelizeConfigEnv = sequelizeConfig[process.env.NODE_ENV] || sequelizeConfig.DEFAULT
module.exports = sequelizeConfigEnv.sequelize()

This initializes the config for the CLI to use.

Once you're done, the folder structure should look like so:


You can now use the CLI to create & run migrations:

npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name migration-skeleton


The logging configuration parameter accepts either a false value, or a function which accepts a log value of type string and a event level value of type string (ex: console.log, log from Actionhero). If you are passing in a function for the logging parameter.


Thanks to sequelize-typescript, we can have models with tagged parameters. The example below shows of how to use hooks, associations, and more. Further information can be found at

// from `src/models/Users.ts`
import * as bcrypt from "bcrypt";
import {
} from "sequelize-typescript";
import * as uuid from "uuid/v4";
import { Post } from "./Post";

@Table({ tableName: "users", paranoid: true })
export class User extends Model<User> {
  saltRounds = 10;

  @Column({ primaryKey: true })
  guid: string;

  firstName: string;

  lastName: string;

  email: string;

  passwordHash: string;

  @HasMany(() => Post)
  posts: Post[];

  static generateGuid(instance) {
    if (!instance.guid) {
      instance.guid = uuid();

  async updatePassword(password: string) {
    this.passwordHash = await bcrypt.hash(password, this.saltRounds);

  async checkPassword(password: string) {
    if (!this.passwordHash) {
      throw new Error("password not set for this team member");

    const match = await, this.passwordHash);
    return match;

You can then use these models in your Actions, Tasks, etc, by simply requiring them.

// from actions/user.ts

import { Action } from "actionhero";
import { User } from "./../models/User";

export class UserCreate extends Action {
  constructor() {
    super(); = "user:create";
    this.description = "create a new user";
    this.outputExample = {};
    this.inputs = {
      firstName: { required: true },
      lastName: { required: true },
      password: { required: true },
      email: { required: true }

  async run({ params, response }) {
    const user = new User({
      firstName: params.firstName,
      lastName: params.lastName,
    await user.updatePassword(params.password);
    response.userGuid = user.guid;

This plugin does not condone the use of Sequelize.sync() in favor of migrations. Keep you migrations in ./migrations and use the sequelize-cli to execute them.

Note: Migrations should remain as _.js files rather than _.ts files. Typescript files will run just fine, but the default Uzmug storage engine places file names into the database table. This means if you try to run your project in both TS and JS "modes", you will get conflicting migrations.

An example migration to create a users table would look like:

// from ./migrations/0000001-createUsersTable.js

module.exports = {
  up: async function(migration, DataTypes) {
    await migration.createTable(
        guid: {
          type: DataTypes.UUID,
          defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4,
          primaryKey: true

        firstName: {
          type: DataTypes.STRING(191),
          allowNull: false

        lastName: {
          type: DataTypes.STRING(191),
          allowNull: false

        email: {
          type: DataTypes.STRING(191),
          allowNull: false

        passwordHash: {
          type: DataTypes.TEXT,
          allowNull: true

        lastLoginAt: {
          type: DataTypes.DATE,
          allowNull: true

        createdAt: DataTypes.DATE,
        updatedAt: DataTypes.DATE,
        deletedAt: DataTypes.DATE
        charset: "utf8mb4"

    await migration.addIndex("users", ["email"], {
      unique: true,
      fields: "email"

  down: async function(migration) {
    await migration.dropTable("users");

You can use the sequelize-cli to create and execute migrations.

By default, ah-sequelize-plugin will automatically execute any pending migrations when Actionhero starts up. You can disable this behavior by adding autoMigrate: false to your sequelize config.

Fixtures (removed)

As of version 2.0.0, we have removed support for fixtures from this plugin. If you need to load data into your application consider an Initializer in your project.


sequelize plugin for actionhero


Language:TypeScript 61.1%Language:JavaScript 38.9%