agluszak / rules_lint

Run static analysis tools with Bazel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Run linters and formatters under Bazel

It is currently EXPERIMENTAL and pre-release. No support is promised. There may be breaking changes, or we may archive and abandon the repository.

This ruleset integrates linting and formatting as first-class concepts under Bazel.


  • No changes needed to rulesets. Works with the Bazel rules you already use.
  • No changes needed to BUILD files. You don't need to add lint wrapper macros, and lint doesn't appear in bazel query output. Instead, users can lint their existing *_library targets.
  • Lint results can be presented in various ways, see "Usage" below.
  • Can format files not known to Bazel. Formatting just runs directly on the file tree. No need to create sh_library targets for your shell scripts, for example.
  • Honors the same configuration files you use for these tools outside Bazel (e.g. in the editor)

This project is inspired by the design for Tricorder. This is how Googlers get their static analysis results in code review (Critique). is an old, abandoned attempt to open-source Tricorder. It is also inspired by


Formatting and Linting work a bit differently.

Formatter Linter
Only one per language, since they could conflict with each other. Many per language is fine; results compose.
Invariant: program's behavior is never changed. Suggested fixes may change behavior.
Developer has no choices. Always blindly accept result. Fix may be manual, or select from multiple auto-fixes.
Changes must be applied. Violations can be suppressed.
Operates on a single file at a time. Can require the dependency graph.
Can always format just changed files / regions New violations might be introduced in unchanged files.
Fast enough to put in a pre-commit workflow. Some are slow.

This leads to some minor differences in how they are used in rules_lint.

Available tools

Language Formatter Linter(s)
Python Black flake8
Java google-java-format pmd
Kotlin ktfmt
JavaScript/TypeScript/TSX Prettier ESLint
CSS/HTML Prettier
JSON Prettier
Markdown Prettier
Bash prettier-plugin-sh
SQL prettier-plugin-sql
Starlark (Bazel) Buildifier
Swift SwiftFormat (1)
Go gofmt
Protocol Buffers buf buf lint
Terraform terraform fmt
Jsonnet jsonnetfmt
Scala scalafmt
  1. Non-hermetic: requires that a swift toolchain is installed on the machine. See

To add a linter, please follow the steps in lint/ and then send us a PR. Thanks!!

We'll add documentation on adding formatters as well.


rules_lint currently only works with bzlmod under Bazel 6+. This is because we accumulate dependencies which are difficult to express in a WORKSPACE file. We might add support for WORKSPACE in the future.

Follow instructions from the release you wish to use:



To format files, run the target you create when you install rules_lint.

We recommend using a Git pre-commit hook to format changed files, by running bazel run //tools:format [changed file ...].


See Formatting for more ways to use the formatter, such as a pre-commit hook or a CI check.


To lint code, we recommend using the Aspect CLI to get the missing lint command.

For example, running bazel lint //src:all prints lint warnings to the terminal for all targets in the //src package:


See Linting for more ways to use the linter, such as running as a test target, or presenting results as code review comments.

Ignoring files

The linters only visit files that are part of the Bazel dependency graph (listed as srcs to some library target).

The formatter honors the .gitignore file. Otherwise use the affordance provided by the tool, for example .prettierignore for files to be ignored by Prettier.

Sometimes engineers want to ignore a file with a certain extension because the content isn't actually valid syntax for the corresponding language. For example, you might write a template for YAML and name it my-template.yaml even though it needs to have some interpolated values inserted before it's syntactically valid. We recommend instead fixing the file extension. In this example, my.yaml.tmpl or my-template.yaml_ might be better.

Using with your editor

We believe that existing editor plugins should just work as-is. They may download or bundle their own copy of the tools, which can lead to some version skew in lint/format rules.

For formatting, we believe it's a waste of time to configure these in the editor, because developers should just rely on formatting happening when they commit and not care what the code looks like before that point. But we're not trying to stop anyone, either!

You could probably configure the editor to always run the same Bazel command, any time a file is changed. Instructions to do this are out-of-scope for this repo, particularly since they have to be formulated and updated for so many editors.

Using a formatter from a BUILD rule

Generally, you should just allow code generators to make messy files. You can exclude them from formatting by changing the file extension, adding a suppression comment at the top (following the formatter's docs) or adding to the formatter's ignore file (e.g. .prettierignore).

However there are some valid cases where you really want to run a formatter as a build step. You can just reach into the external repository where we've installed them.

For example, to run Prettier:

load("@aspect_rules_format_npm//:prettier/package_json.bzl", prettier = "bin")

prettier.prettier_binary(name = "prettier")

    name = "fmt",
    srcs = [""],
    args = [""],
    chdir = package_name(),
    stdout = "",
    tool = "prettier",


Run static analysis tools with Bazel



Language:Starlark 72.2%Language:Shell 15.3%Language:Go 9.4%Language:HCL 0.8%Language:Java 0.8%Language:Python 0.5%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Jsonnet 0.2%Language:Swift 0.1%Language:TypeScript 0.1%Language:Kotlin 0.1%