agjino / fastlog

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PHP Fastlog

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Fastlog is a sample proof-of-concept web service built in raw PHP, able to handle hundreds of requests per second, with full security and sanitization checks.

Getting Started

Fastlog is an implementation of various OOP and general development concepts.

  • Proper data validation. While validation and sanitization are regarded as tedious, repetitive tasks, they are the first line of defense and the most important.
  • Multiple configuration environments that you can switch to when you're developing, testing and deploying.
  • Interfaces and Polymorphism as means of building pluggable modules.
  • Prepared statements in MySQL to avoid sql injections.
  • Caching of results for compute-intesive calculations to manage acceptable response times
  • Concurrency handling in MySQL through Select For Update
  • Stress testing
  • Unit testing
  • Meaningful error responses

The MySqlCachedResponseLogger is an experiemental functionality where data that would take a long time to compute is kept into a cache and served from that cache, until the cache is older that a certain number of seconds specified in config.php:maxCacheAge. The function retrieves data from cache first. Verifies if this data is too old. If it is, does a second retrieval with the For Update intent. In this way, the cache table is now locked. However, another request might have updated the cache in the meantime, therefore another check for cache age is performed before it is decided whether to use the cached data or do a recalculation and cache update.


Apache 2.2+
modrewrite for Apache
PHP 7.0+
cURL for PHP, for HTTP seeding and performance tests
PHPUnit 6 to run the unit tests


Copy or clone the files on you local machine or web server.

Edit config.php with the appropriate values for database access and the base url of the application. config.php can contain configurations for multiple environments, ex. production or testing. To apply the appropriate environment, set the $env variable at the top of config.php.

To run the built-in unit tests, either make sure the environment data in $config['test_local'] is valid (ex. the specified database exists and the user has permissions) or edit $env in test/bootstrap.php


The API calls are on $baseUrl/api/[service] For example, if $config['appUrl'] is http://localhost/fastlog, some API calls would be:

Create an empty database:


Test http performance by asking the service to add 1000 random http requests:


Send 1000 random write commands within PHP. Much faster than the http method, useful also for testing database performance independent of operating system or network performance:


Ordinary write request:

POST: {"country":"US","event":"clicks"}

Write request with date specified. allowCustomDate must be set to true in config:

POST: {"country":"US","event":"clicks","date":"2017-04-03"}


  • Albi Gjino



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