agforero / Developing-and-Designing-Interactive-Devices

The main repository for a class given by Wendy Ju at Cornell Tech.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The main repository for the IDD class given by Wendy Ju in the Fall term of 2021 at Cornell Tech.



Class Discussion

Class discussion will occur on the Cornell Tech Slack, in the channel #idd-fall21


Lecture slides will be posted on Canvas.


Labs will be posted here on Mondays.

Lab #1 Staging Interaction

Lab #2 Interactive Prototyping

Lab #3 Chatterboxes

Lab #4 Physical User Interfaces

Lab #5 Observant Systems

Lab #6 Little Interactions Everywhere

Final Project

Final project assignment is now up.

Student Submissions:

Fork the Interactive Lab Page repository, and then put a link for your Lab Hub to the list below. Detailed instructions for creating your lab hub and updating your labs are here.

When submitting your assignments, you will update your assignments on your class lab hub. The teaching team will be review the assignments sometime after the due date. Late assignments (e.g. your assignment is missing/incomplete at our grading time, which is after the due date) will be penalized by one letter grade per day late.

Example: Ilan Mandel im334

Office Hours

The main time to talk to the teaching team about your labs or projects are during the Thursday labs.

Outside of that time, the teaching team is generally available on Slack, and usually respond within hours during their working day, and by the next working day otherwise.

We will set up office hours if more structured support appears to be needed.


The main repository for a class given by Wendy Ju at Cornell Tech.