agashe / Shoppy

An eCommerce platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An eCommerce platform with all basic functionality (cart, inventory ..etc), the platform was built using a simple microservices architecture , consists of 2 services connected to each other using gRPC protocol.

Technologies used in these project including :

  • Python3 (Django framework) for the admin panel and the database operation
  • GoLang (Fiber framework) act as BFF , to handle user authentication and connect the admin panel using gRPC
  • React.JS for the front side


Before starting the installation process , please make sure that Python3 , Node.js(>=18) and GoLang(>=1.12) are all installed on your machine.

And make sure you are in the project folder , where you cloned / downloaded the project :

cd /path/to/project

For admin :

Usually Python3 apps , require a virtual environment to run , so we start by creating a new environment (To know more about the virtual environment , check please the official docs):

python3 -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

Then :

cd admin/

pip install -r requirements.txt 

For backend :

cd backend/

go mod tidy

For frontend :

cd frontend/

npm install

Database Configuration

In order to connect to the database , you will need to copy the provided .env.example file and replace all the connection information with yours :

cd admin/shoppy_admin

cp .env.example .env

Then open the .env file in your editor and update it , these are the default database information (make sure to change them !):


Finally this project was built using MySQL database , feel free to change it into whatever database of your choice. You can check the Django docs to know more about the supported databases.

Backend Configuration

In order to start the backend 2 environment variables needed to be set , so first we copy the .env.example :

cd backend/

cp .env.example .env

Then we update the default values :

# Server Type
ENV="development" # or "production"


The ENV key , is responsible for controlling the hot-reload feature for the GoLang , which is necessary for development , but bad for production.

And the JWT_KEY is important for the authentication , to generate JWT token for the RESTful APIs , make sure to generate a super powerful 32 characters secret key :D

Working with the Protobuf

In case you updated the gRPC features , you will need to re-generate the client/server code for GoLang and Python , to do so we need to install the necessary tools :

For Python :
For GoLang :

Then simply in your terminal , run the following commands :

1- For the admin panel (Python part) , we cd into the admin directory and then run the grpc_tools command :

cd admin

python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I ../protos --python_out=./shoppy_admin/dashboard/api --pyi_out=./shoppy_admin/dashboard/api --grpc_python_out=./shoppy_admin/dashboard/api ../protos/{protobuf-name}.proto

2- For the backend (GoLang part) , we cd into the backend directory and then run the protoc command :

cd backend

protoc -I ../protos --go_out=./shoppy_backend/api --go-grpc_out=./shoppy_backend/api --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative ../protos/{protobuf-name}.proto

Please note in the commands above , {protobuf-name} , is the name of the service you want to update , like for example , if you added and a new function to the products service , you run these commands to update only the products service , other services , won't be affected.

And finally for the Python generated code you will need to update the module path in the generated server code , so if we are updating the products service , in the generated file we update the following line :

From : 
import products_pb2 as products__pb2

To :
import dashboard.api.products_pb2 as products__pb2

Running the application

In order to start the application , you will need to run 4 separated terminal instances , of course you can write a fancy script to do that , but i didn't actually to make it easier for debugging.

In each terminal we run the followwing :

For admin (web server) :

cd admin/shoppy_admin

python3 runserver

For admin (gRPC server) :

cd admin/shoppy_admin

python3 grpcrunserver

For backend :

cd backend/

go run main.go

For frontend :

cd frontend/

npm run start

The services will be running on the following ports , so make sure they are free and not used by other apps , or update them in the source code to whatever you like :

For admin : https://localhost:8000
For admin (gRPC) : https://localhost:50051
For backend : https://localhost:5000
For frontend : https://localhost:3000

Now you can access the application in your browser by typing https://localhost:3000 , And also access the admin panel by visiting : https://localhost:8000/admin

And also In case you wanted to test the APIs. You can find in the collections/ directory 2 APIs collections , one for Thunder Client (VS Code Extension) and the other one for Postman.


Unfortunately the django-grpc-framework , currently has an issue with Django (version >=4) , The issue is still not fixed , so you could use the solution in this comment , or just use another package as some users suggested django-socio-grpc.


(Shoppy) released under the terms of the MIT license.


An eCommerce platform

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 43.1%Language:Python 41.5%Language:Go 14.0%Language:HTML 1.1%Language:CSS 0.3%