agarwaladitya0401 / FrontendTha-Devsnest

Day wise frontend THA of DEVSNEST

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

D E V S N E S T  -  F R O N T E N D Devsnest doc


01 Introduction to HTML Create a letter template as per given image THA01
02 Introduction to CSS Style the letter template from prrvious THA using CSS THA02
03 Continuing with CSS Create a resume template as per given image with use of CSS and HTML THA03
04 Position, Display, Overflow in CSS Make an analog clock THA04
05 Introduction to Javascript Covering the basics THA05
06 Introduction to Javascript (Contd.) Javascript Coding based challenges THA06
07 Objects in JavaScript Javascript Coding based challenges THA07
08 Objects in JavaScript (Contd.) Seat Book Counter THA08 LIVE SITE (GitHub Pages)
09 this keyword in JavaScript Play with this, bind(), apply(), call() and events THA09
10 Functions in JavaScript Make a card based memory game THA10 LIVE SITE (GitHub Pages)
11 Prototypical Inheritance Make a quiz app using JS THA11
12 Synchronous And Asynchronous Javascript Make a TODO list using localStorage THA12 LIVE SITE (GitHub Pages)
13 Promises, Async and Await in JS Make a website using API THA13
15 React Basics Print Hello World using React THA15
16 Installing React and Functional Components (a)Make a card display React app THA16A LIVE SITE (Netlify)
(b)Make a chess grid card application using React THA16B LIVE SITE (Netlify)
17 JSX and React Props Make a scroll view in React THA17 LIVE SITE (Firebase)
18 Inline Styles and Reusable Components Make a chess grid using resuable components THA18 LIVE SITE (Netlify)
19 Class Components, Lifecycle Methods, Webpacks Make a React app having 4 counters with each managing their own state THA19 LIVE_SITE (Cloudflare)


Day wise frontend THA of DEVSNEST


Language:JavaScript 40.2%Language:HTML 33.5%Language:CSS 26.3%