agarciadom / cloning

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

For queries/bug reports, please contact

This is the main directory of the source code of the Cloning library.

In order to create the Eclipse project, run "mvn eclipse:eclipse". You will
need Maven 2.2 or higher to run the above command. Please visit the Maven
website for detailed instructions:

Once the command has been successfully executed, you may simply import the
project to your workspace, using the included launch configurations to run
some of the test suites. Alternatively, you can right-click on a test suite
or the whole project and select "Run As > JUnit Test".

Happy hacking!

--- Only for maintainers ---

If you want to generate a signed bundle so it can be uploaded to the OSS
Sonatype repository, you will need to run:

mvn clean package gpg:sign repository:bundle-create

You will need to enter the passphrase for your private GPG key at some point.
Please do not forget to distribute it to hkp:// if the signed
bundle is to be accepted in Maven Central!

to deploy to sonatype:

mvn -P sonatype-deploy -Dgpg.passphrase=X

where X=your gpg password


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Language:Java 100.0%