afritzler / virtual-gardener-gke

Using BASH Magic & Unicorns to setup a Gardener Landscape on a GKE Cluster using a Virtual Kube-Apiserver

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Disclaimer: This project sets up a Gardener landscape on a GKE cluster. This is by no means a productive setup!




  • Kubernetes cluster (min 4x n1-standard-2 nodes)
  • Domain/Zone in CloudDNS
  • GCP serviceaccount
  • terraform
  • yaml2json
  • jq
  • cfssl
  • openssl
  • kubectl
  • helm

There's a docker image with the dependencies available at afritzler/virtual-gardener-gke


Prepare setup.yaml

First we need to clone and configure our setup

git clone
cd virtual-gardener-gke
cp setup.yaml.example setup.yaml

Create GKE cluster

export GKE_CLUSTER_NAME=gardener
export GCP_PROJECT=`gcloud config get-value project`

gcloud container clusters create $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME --num-nodes=4 --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --zone=europe-west1-b --enable-basic-auth --password f00bar

You will need a kubeconfig with basic-auth user authentication:

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME --zone europe-west1-b --project $GCP_PROJECT
mv kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG

The basic authentication credentials for your cluster can be found under cluster details -> "Show credentials".

You need to enter admin/f00bar (from above) and it should be created at ./kubeconfig

Create GCP serviceaccount

gcloud iam service-accounts create gardener --display-name "Gardener"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT --member="serviceAccount:gardener@$" --role="roles/editor"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./google-serviceaccount.json --iam-account gardener@$

Then, edit the setup.yaml accordingly (e.g. paste the contents of google-serviceaccount.json)

Local dependencies

Either install dependencies locally or use the provided docker image:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/gardener -w /gardener afritzler/virtual-gardener-gke

Deploy Ingress Controller + Ingress DNS Record


Deploy Etcd

Deploy the Etcd needed by the Gardener extension API server


Deploy Identity


Deploy Virtual Kube-Apiserver


Deploy Gardener

Deploy the Gardener extension API server and controller


Configure the Gardener Landscape

Deploy and configure CloudProfile, Seed, etc ...


Deploy the Gardener Dashboard


Accessing the Gardener Dashboard

To access the Gardener Dashboard, use

cat state/identity/dashboardurl

to figure out the dashboard URL.

Interacting with the Virtual Setup

The kubeconfig can be found under state/virtualapiserver/kubeconfig.yaml. So in order to deploy something to the Gardener API server you need to run

kubectl --kubeconfig=state/virtualapiserver/kubeconfig.yaml apply -f examples/shoot.yaml


Remove Shoot

Delete the created shoot cluster (a simple kubectl delete shoot NAME is not allowed in order to prevent users from accidentally deleting their clusters – instead, they need to confirm upfront that the deletion is fine by annotating the shoot resource. You can use this script to do that: (./hack/delete shoot gcp-test garden-core)).

To do it the manual way

kubectl --kubeconfig=state/virtualapiserver/kubeconfig.yaml -n garden-core annotate shoot gcp-test --overwrite
kubectl --kubeconfig=state/virtualapiserver/kubeconfig.yaml -n garden-core delete shoot gcp-test

Remove Gardener Config

kubectl --kubeconfig state/virtualapiserver/kubeconfig.yaml annotate project core --overwrite
kubectl --kubeconfig state/virtualapiserver/kubeconfig.yaml delete -f gen/gardenconfig/config.yaml

Remove Gardener

helm delete --purge gardener

Remove Virtual API Server

helm delete --purge virtual-apiserver

Remove Identity

helm delete --purge identity

Remove Gardener Dashboard

helm delete --purge gardener-dashboard

Remove Etcd

helm delete --purge virtual-garden-etcd

Remove Ingress Controller + DNS Record

helm delete --purge nginx-ingress-controller
# to delete the DNS record

Remove the Garden Namespace

kubectl delete ns garden


Using BASH Magic & Unicorns to setup a Gardener Landscape on a GKE Cluster using a Virtual Kube-Apiserver



Language:Shell 87.3%Language:Smarty 5.7%Language:Dockerfile 4.3%Language:HCL 2.7%