afotescu / attendance_tracker

A small script which takes data from WCL and creates an attendance table for you guild

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WoW Classic Guilds Attendance

This is a small script I've made for my guild to be able to track attendance of people for raid nights since I was too lazy to do it by my hands

How It Works

  1. Gets your calendar from WCL website
  2. Checks all people who were present in at least one boss during this night
  3. Collects the data for a specified period of time
  4. Generates a txt file with all the data in it


  1. Download the source code or get an executable file from release page

  2. Create 2 txt file called replacements.txt and setup.txt and populate them with your raid setup and replacements for specific dates. Also you can specify people alts divided by | please check the example file from the source code

  3. Run the code or executable from console using following options:

  -g --guild <string>      guild ID
  -s --separator <string>  set data separator (default: "\t")
  -f --from <string>       from date in format YYYY-MM-DD default is first day of current month (default: "2020-12-01")
  -t --to <string>         to date in format YYYY-MM-DDt default is last day of current month (default: "2020-12-31")

Example for my guild:

    wow-attendance.exe -g 487625 -f 2020-12-01 -t 2020-12-31
    node index.js -g 487625 -f 2020-12-01 -t 2020-12-31
  1. Paste it in google sheets (keep default separator) or CSV file (set seaparator to ,) to see the attendance of your guild. Example: alt text


Feel free to contact me on reddit or in discord Ellex#1111 if you have any issues or questions

You can also open issues directly here


A small script which takes data from WCL and creates an attendance table for you guild


Language:JavaScript 100.0%