Yet Another MPD VRChat OSC Discord RPC Status thing

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Yet Another MPD VRChat OSC Discord RPC Status thingy

Using Precompiled binary

  1. Download from releases tab
  2. Unzip it
  3. Run it!
  • (If you're on linux run 'chmod +x main' while in the folder, to allow it to be executable)
  • (If you're on windows, windows defender might see it as a virus)
  1. Go to 'settings.json' (this will be in the same folder as the executable if you run the program once) and setup all addresses and ports this is default, perfect if you are running VRChat and MPD on the same computer, but for standalone VRChat or more complicated MPD setups you may have to change these in the config file
    "MPD Address": "localhost",
    "MPD Port": 6600,
    "VRchat OSC Address": "localhost",
    "VRchat OSC Port": 9000,
  1. Then you can run it :]
    • (for Linux i recommend having it startup with MPD, as it's finally reliable enough to run without crashing)
    • (i don't know how to make stuff start by default on windows)
  2. Arguments
  no args #lauch both vrchat thread and discord thread
  --discord #runs only the discord thread
  --vrchat #runs only the vrchat thread
  --help #this shows info

(Running from source)

  1. Install Python
  2. Decompress the .zip
  3. Install dependencies 'deps.txt' using pip
  4. Use a Terminal (Alacritty, Konsole, Powershell, etc), to navigate to the main folder.
  5. Run python3 to open the python file.

(Building from source)

  1. Install Python
  2. Decompress the .zip
  3. Install dependencies 'deps.txt' and 'pyinstaller' using pip
  4. Use a Terminal (Alacritty, Konsole, Powershell, etc), to navigate to the main folder.
  5. Run pyinstaller --onefile to build the executable file to the dist folder.

Reqired For Discord (If running from source)

  1. Go to Discord Dev Hub
  2. Create a new app
  3. Copy the Client ID
  4. Go to "Settings"
  5. Set your Discord RPC ID to the one you just copied

this is the same for every platform however the command for python and pip could be diffrent


  python3 -m pip
  py -m pip
  python -m pip

(if you run into any bugs you can report them on github or feel free to contact me here