Takes a path to a local git repository, and a list of commit ids in hexidecimal and returns a list of 5 most relevant reccomended reviewers for those commits.
Firstly, must have PyGit2 installed Install with pip:
$ pip install pygit2
Supported versions of python:
- Python 3.5 - 3.8
- PyPy 3.5
Python requirements for PyGit2:
- cffi 1.0+
- cached-property
"Libgit2 v0.28.x; binary wheels already include libgit2, so you only need to worry about this if you install the source package"
$ review_suggestion.py [-h] repo_path hashes_list [hashes_list ...]
positional arguments:
- repo_path Path to local github repository, must not be a path to the repositorys working dir and therefore must end with /.git
- hashes_list A list of hexidecimal hashes of commits to be included in a review
optional argument: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Example: $ python3 review_suggestion.py Path/To/Working/Repository/.git 4866b1330bc7c77c0ed0e050e6b99efdeb026448 7b7c1a0135580251990c7866aed39202f9928b1f