A curated list of delightful Tarantool modules, connectors and other resources.
- box (builtin) - a high-performance multi-engine database.
- queue - a set of persistent in-memory queues.
- shard - automatic sharding and resharidng.
- memcached - memcached implementation on the top of Tarantool.
- expirationd - data expiration with custom quirks.
- avro-schema - Apache Avro schema tools for Tarantool.
- gis - a PostGIS-like module for Tarantool.
- json (builtin) - JSON encoder/decoder.
- yaml (builtin) - YAML encoder/decoder.
- msgpack (builtin) - MsgPack encoder/decoder.
- csv (builtin) - CSV parser.
- net.box (builtin) - Tarantool client for Tarantool (WOW!).
- connpool - net.box connection pool for Tarantool.
- mqtt - MQTT client for Tarantool.
- mysql - MySQL client for Tarantool.
- pg - PostgreSQL client for Tarantool.
- curl - libcurl bindings for tarantool.
- http - http client and server for Tarantool.
- fiber (builtin) - cooperative multitasking and synchronization mechanisms.
- socket (builtin) - fiber-friendly socket I/O.
- fio (builtin) - fiber-friendly file I/O.
- clock (builtin) - high-precision timers.
- log (builtin) - simple logger with support of syslog.
- ljsyscall - bindings for Unix syscall using FFI.
- uuid (builtin) - Universally Unique Identifier library.
- tdb - an interactive debugger
- gperftools - Lua bindings for Google Performance Tools CPU Profiler).
- tap (builtin) - Test Anything Protocol implementation.
- console (builtin) - a text-based user interface.
- prometheus - Prometheus metric collector for Tarantool.
- xlog (builtin) - a Lua module to read Tarantool's data files.
Tarantool connectors for various programming languages.
- PHP PECL connector.
- PHP pure connector.
- Python connector.
- Java connector.
- Go connector.
- C# connector.
- Swift connector.
- Erlang connector.
- C connector.
- Nginx Upstream module.
- GitHub - GitHub umbrella for Tarantool-related projects.
- Facebook - official Facebook page.
- Telegram - official Telegram channel (English).
- Telegram/Russian - official Telegram channel (Russian).
- Twitter - official Twitter account.