aelmanaa / Blockchain-Capstone

ERC721 real estate token. Contract published on Opensea . Owners demonstrate ownership using ZK-SNARKs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Udacity Blockchain Capstone

The capstone will build upon the knowledge you have gained in the course in order to build a decentralized housing product.


For this project, you will need to have:

  1. Node and NPM installed - NPM is distributed with Node.js
# Check Node version, Project tested with version v12.22.1. you can use "nvm" to switch between node versions
node -v
# Check NPM version, Project tested with v7.15.0
npm -v
  1. Truffle v5.X.X - A development framework for Ethereum.
# Unsinstall any previous version
npm uninstall -g truffle
# Install
npm install -g truffle
# Specify a particular version. Project tested with v5.3.6
npm install -g truffle@5.3.6
# Verify the version
truffle version
  1. Metamask: 9.5.2 - If you need to update Metamask just delete your Metamask extension and install it again.

  2. Ganache for testing. make sure it runs on port 8585

  3. **Load Infura key and your metamask pass phrase ** in .env file (please created within eth-contracts folder):


Run the application

  1. Start ganache on port 8585
  2. Go to solidity project cd eth-contracts
  3. Compile truffle compile
  4. Run tests truffle test . All tests must pass
  5. Migrate to rinkeby network truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset
  6. Run minting script in order to mint 10 tokens truffle exec scripts/mint.js --network rinkeby

Compare with my results

  1. contracts ABIs can be found in build/contracts
  2. contract address is 0xc3CB908cc8506a0e5a3C9f483fF8699AF554dAe8 could be found on Rinkeby
  3. collection MIYA721 on Opensea
  4. 1st owner of every item (cfr. mint script) is account_two which is 0xb3996aad85a84b1fa5e451fcc0f5ba2e838609d8. This account can then post any of his NFT on sale on Opensea. For instance, you can see here that the owner sold tokenId 2:
    1. First there was a transaction in order to approve Opensea to sell token on account_two behalf. Etherscan
    2. Then NFT was sold to another account . Transaction can be seen here Etherscan
    3. The trading history of this token can be found on OpenSea and shows indeeded that token 2 was transfered from 0xb3996aad85a84b1fa5e451fcc0f5ba2e838609d8 to 0x0d718cfb215e84174d2118a38cd827d8ddbb13e8


ERC721 real estate token. Contract published on Opensea . Owners demonstrate ownership using ZK-SNARKs


Language:Solidity 84.1%Language:JavaScript 15.9%