aelitneg / transmogrify

Microservice for converting file formats.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


code style: prettier

Microservice for converting file formats.



  • Endpoint: POST /convert
  • Arguments:
    • input: Method in which the input media is accessed
      • Supported Values: download
    • inputFormat: Input media format - see Supported Conversions
    • file (optional): The input media. Dpeneds on input
      • input: download: File is a URL to the resource
    • converterOptions: Specific to each conversion. See Supported Conversions
    • outputFormat: Output media format
    • download (optional): Stream output media in response
      • Supported Values: true, false, undefined
    • storage (optional): Storage driver congiruation. Can be defined as a single object or an array of configurations. See Storage Drivers
      • wait: Wait for storage driver to complete upload before returning response
        • Supported Values: true, false, undefined

Supported Conversions

  • HTML to PDF

        input: 'download',
        inputFormat: 'html',
        file: '',
        outputFormat: 'pdf',
  • PDF to Image

        input: 'download',
        inputFormat: 'pdf',
        file: '',
        converterOptions: {
            // ImageMagick Input Commands
            command: '-resize 600 -crop 600x400+0+0 +repage'
        outputFormat: 'png'
  • Image to Image

        input: 'download',
        inputFormat: 'png',
        file: '',
        converterOptions: {
            // ImageMagick Input and Output Commands
            command: '-units PixelsPerInch -density 203 {INPUT_FILE} -colorspace GRAY -ordered-dither 8x8 {OUTPUT_FILE}'
        outputFormat; 'png',

Storage Drivers

  • S3

        type: 's3',
        region: 'us-east-1',
        bucket: 'com.example.bucket',
        key: 'folder/file.pdf'
        metadata: { /*Optinal metadata to be attached to object*/ }
        // Authentication handled by transmogrify-client
        accessKeyId: ''
        secretAccessKey: ''
        sessionToken: ''


Transmogrify is designed to be run as a microservice running inside a docker container. The repository is setup to leverage VS Code's Remote Development extensions to develop inside a docker container. Use the instructions below to start the development environment.


Start Development Environment

  1. Navigate to the repository root and launch vs code

    cd ./transmogrify
    code .
  2. Open the VS Code Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and select Remote-Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container

  3. In the new VS Code Instance, open a new terminal (⌃`)

  4. Start the server in development mode with the following command:

    su pptruser # Run as pptruser (see note)
    npm run dev

    Note: The devcontainer.json overrides USER pptruser in the Dockerfile. This is necessary to install extensions. The app must be run as pptruser to allow puppeteer to run without --no-sandbox flag

  • To reubuild and relaunch the container, open the VS Code Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and select Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container
  • To exit the container, open the VS Code Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and select Remote-Containers: Close Remote Connection

Format / Lint

  • This repository uses lint-staged and husky to lint and format code with a pre-commit hook
    • If the code being committed contains errors, the commit will be rejected until errors are resolved
    • This is done automatically, no further configuration is required
  • To further improve the development experience, it is reccomended to install the the following VS Code extensions:
  • To enable Prettier to Format on Save in VS Code:
    • Note: These settings are not necessary when developing inside the docker container as they are included in the devcontainer.js
    1. Create a .vscode directory in the repository root
    2. Create a settings.json file inside .vscode
    3. Add these settings:
          "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
          "editor.formatOnSave": true


  • The VS Code debugger configuration is located in ./.vscode/launch.json
  • The debugger can be started by pressing F5 or by opening the Run tab (⇧⌘D) and pressing the green play button


Microservice for converting file formats.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.4%Language:Dockerfile 3.4%Language:Shell 0.1%