First download a copy of Datomic Free. Unzip it and run the following inside the directory:
bin/transactor config/samples/
Launch a Lein repl with lein repl. Once the repl is up run the following:
user=> (use 'om-async.util)
user=> (init-db)
The tutorial database now exists and is populated. Quit the REPL.
If you got an error, try an earlier version of Datomic Free.
We will use Figwheel to reload our front end ClojureScript while we code. Figwheel uses a server to auto compile our code and push it to the browser. But we also need a server running our back end code. To start both the server and the compilation process, run:
lein figwheel
When the server is up, point your browser at localhost:3449. When it is done compiling, check if the Browser REPL is connected by typing:
ClojureScript:cljs.user> (js/alert "Am I connected?")