aelbuz / MiniAnalyzer

A WPF application for analyzing MiniProfiler JSON results.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MiniAnalyzer is an analysis tool for MiniProfiler results.

How to Get MiniProfiler Analysis Result for MiniAnalyzer

When you completed your profiling with MiniProfiler, simply serialize your MiniProfiler instance with:

string json = miniProfiler.ToJson(); // ToJson() method can be found in StackExchange.Profiling.Internal.ExtensionMethods class

How to Open MiniProfiler JSON Result on MiniAnalyzer

You can open MiniProfiler JSON result on MiniAnalyzer in two ways:

1. Loading a JSON File: Useful when you serialized one MiniProfiler instance into a JSON file.
2. Loading a Line Separated JSON File: Useful when you serialized multiple MiniProfiler instances into one file and want to analyze all of them.

In order to load a line separated JSON file, each JSON content must be serialized into only one line. MiniAnalyzer will read/deserialize each line and show all of them on the tree. In example:

{ JSON Content 1 }
{ JSON Content 2 }
{ JSON Content 3 }

3. Loading a JSON Text: Useful when you serialized multiple MiniProfiler instances into one file and want to analyze one of them.